Body language full guide

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Peaky Blinders Body Language: Tommy Shelby & Alfie Solomons Season 2 Last Encounter.

- Clenched fists. Sign of frustration. Release some steam at the same time.

- Eyes squinting. Displeasure or concern. "I don't want to see this".

- Rolling sleeves up. Indicates readiness to take action. It shows that the person is ready to get their hands busy with work. In a confrontation like this, it can signal that aggression is immanent and signals to others that they should back off.

- Finger point. Almost universally, people dislike having a finger pointed at them. It evokes negative emotion. Since Ollie already is experiencing anxious feelings, Tommy adds a little on top to drive him nuts.

- Beard stroking. Self-soothing behavior. In need of assurance in this case.

- Barrier forming (hands up in front of the face). Distancing from the "threat".

- Palms down display. More affirmative than palms up display. It shows confidence, assertiveness and authority.

- Fidgeting. Self-soothing behavior.

- Hiding the palm. Generally males tend to smoke like this.

- Exposing the palm. Generally females tend to smoke like this.

- The lower arm grasp. Also known as Roman Handshake. Checking for concealed weapons, supposedly the original roman method of greeting.

- Palms up display. A vulnerable and non- agressive pose. A universal behavior of humility, compliance, or cooperation, used by people who want to be accepted or believed. "My hands are clean," " There is nothing hidden here."

- Arms akimbo. Territorial display. Making yourself appear as large as possible. Hands are on hips, thumbs back with elbows out. This is a dominance display. This signals that an individual is ready and alert, has something to discuss or there is an issue.

- Territorial display. Sign of high confidence. Claiming more space and ownership of desk.

- Contempt (smile, grin, smirk). Feeling of superiority. Only emotion with a unilateral facial expression.

- Sneering. Disrespect. Baring the teeth and nostril flaring are derived from the act of attacking and are primitive signals used by other primates.

- Tong playing. Self-soothing behavior. Venting negative energy, releasing stress.

- Lip licking. Pacifying behavior. Tends to soothe and calm us down.

- Looking away (to the side). Negative state in this context. People tend to block their eyes, or turn away completely when they don't like what they see.

- Mouth touching. Self-soothing behavior. Could be a sign of deception (withholding information) but also of uncertainty.

- Harsh swallow. Indicator of distress. Swallowing becomes harder when the fight-or-flight system is activated due to less saliva production.

- Leg graping. Establishing territorial claim.

Peaky Blinders Body Language: Tommy Shelby & Billy Kimber Season 1 First Encounter.

- Fig leaf position. This sends a message of discomfort and shyness, suggesting defensiveness and the need to protect the most sensitive and vulnerable parts of the body.

- Open torso. We block off this vital area when we feel discomfort or threatened.

- Scorn. Anger and disgust.

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