Femme Fatale's hobbies and habits

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- Learn new languages. Use apps like Duolingo or Babbel (both are paid apps) and use traditional dictionaries. Watch movies and shows in the original language that you're trying to learn with subtitles. Read full books in that language. Listen to songs in that language as well. Travel to the country where the language that you're trying to learn is spoken and understand the different accents. For example, the English language is the most spoken language in the world, and it is the principal language is dozens of countries worldwide. However, a Texan Southern American accent is extremely different from an East London Cockney British accent. Try to recognize where a person is from based on their accent.


- Have a skincare routine. Expensive products are not a must have and often work as well as cheaper products, so keep it simple. Buy a cleanser, an exfoliator, a toner or serum, some eye and lip care products and a moisturizer. I highly recommend you to wear sunscreen on your face, neck and hands everyday even in winter.


- Wear some makeup, but don't overdo it. For a full makeup routine, you might need to put on (in order): foundation, concealer, powder, bronzer, blush, highlighter, eyeshadow, eye pencil, eyeliner, mascara, eyebrow pencil, eyebrow pomade, eyebrow gel, lip liner, lip stain, lipstick and lip gloss. This is basically a list of every makeup products you could need if you want to go from an everyday makeup look to a night out. If you want a more simple, natural and discreet makeup look, put some blush on your cheeks, a nude eyeshadow, a few swipes of brown or black mascara, an eyebrow pencil (the same color as your hair), nude lip liner (your eyebrow pencil can also be used as a lip liner depending on the color), lipstick and/or lip gloss. Use a primer after your skincare routine and then put on makeup. Match your foundation to the color of your neck, and not to the color of your face.


- Take care of how you look. Wear clothes you feel comfortable in. Wear neutral nail polish colors, like nude brown or darker shades like red or black. You can also go to an esthetician to get an eyebrow trimming or lazer hair removal, even though these are optional. Go to the hairdresser from a few times a year to once every two months.


- Eat healthy food and drinks. Stop eating enormous amounts of sugar, carbs, calories or even caffeine. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Stop drinking extremely caloric beverages like sodas or too much wine. You can also install free or paid dieting apps on your phone.


- Exercise a few times a week and go to a public gym. You can get free or paid workout apps on your phone. It is encouraging to go on a diet at the same time with a friend, so you can both go to the gym together.


- Meditate (Yoga practice or yoga clubs...) Yoga is widely beneficial is a number of ways like stress reduction, pain relief and improved respiration. Also have breathing exercises everyday when you wake up, anytime throughout the day, or when you go to sleep.


- Listen to inspiring TED talks or podcasts on Spotify (lifestyle, health, fitness, education, etc.)


- Wake up early. Set an alarm early enough in the morning to have time to get ready and not to rush yourself and be stressed out or forget something. Set up an alarm even for the weekend.


- Spend time with people (friends, family, siblings) who support you, and who are good for your mental health.


- Travel when you are young. It is essential to travel, especially when you are young. These experiences and discovering new cultures will help you shape the person you will be in the future.


- Get off social media. Stop scrolling on TikTok, practice healthier habits instead of wasting your time watching useless videos.


- Go out and get some fresh air.


- Read books. Everyone prefers a certain genre of books, so try to find the kind of books you'd like to read. From action and romance to fantasy, poetry and historical books, I am sure you will find your cup of tea. I'd also recommend to read biography books of successful people and businessmen like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, etc...

Bonus: How To Read Faster:

- Cut the inner monologue.

- Read with your finger.

- Stop reading shit you don't like.

- Schedule your reading time.

- Read more than one book at a time (philosophical: Douglas R. Hofstadter: "Gödel, Escher, Bach; An Eternal Golden Braid", non-fiction: Yuval Noah Harari: "Sapiens, A Brief History Of Humankind", light-reading: Amor Towles: "An Gentleman In Moscow").


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