4. Act "expensive" so everyone treats you like a star

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Carry yourself like royalty or a celebrity. Hold your head up high, practice good posture, and walk gracefully. When you socialize with others, act mildly amused so it seems like you aren’t worried about being popular—you’re just there to have a good time.

Ask for your "signature drink" with conviction because you know what you want and expect it. For example, instead of waiting for a bartender's attention, announce, "I'll have a Dark and Stormy—thank you."

Play hard to get and give everyone the sense that your schedule is booked because you're so sought after. Casually make a remark like, "Well, this has been fun, and maybe we'll run into each other again."

Unavailability can be really sexy. For example, if a man reaches out and asks to catch up, but you want to get him to chase you, tell him, "I'm all booked up. Check in with me next week."

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