Make people find you irresistible

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- Have a beaming and frequent smile. A genuine smile comes from finding humor in normal things.

- Build others up. You can tease your friends if you tie it up with a compliment.

- Raise the energy in the room.

- Be an active listener. Listen carefully while repeating the other person's phrases.

- The false completion technique. Finish someone's incomplete sentence with a joke.

- Accept bids for connection. Play along with their jokes.

- Add a touch during conversational high points. You can also use touch to strengthen the connection created by a sincere complement.

- Friendly teasing. Make nice more interesting: adding in light playful teasing can make it more interesting to talk to you.

- Know how to tell captivating stories. You can do it by acting out your characters, pausing when you hear laughter and taking a three second punchline pause which builds anticipation and creates a bigger impact when you deliver your punchline. Also have go-to stories, but be careful not to use the same story over and over again with the same people.

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