Brother Issues

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Ive been in Miami for a month now and I miss my friends...

It's so fucking hot too I can't even go outside
To play soccer. L's in the chat.



"Like I said, you're her older brother,
grow some balls and start acting like one."


WARNINGS: Heavy Language, Sibling Angst, R-Slur, Mentions of sex etc

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Heavy Language, Sibling Angst, R-Slur, Mentions of sex etc.


I love Y/N sibling moments so much I decided to make them all mad at each-other ☺️ -





You shook the boy, trying to get him to acknowledge your presence but failing, as he broke from your grasp and walked away to the other side of the locker room.

Frowning, you sighed, "Rin, we have a game in like twenty minutes...just please stop ignoring me."

The boy said nothing, sitting down in his respective locker cubby and grabbing his cleats to begin adjusting the laces.

Rin had been ignoring you the whole day so far, from the time you woke up and decided to try and talk to him, to now, as you tried to get him to crack, but evidently failed.

Tokimitsu looked up, nervously twiddling his fingers as he mustered up the courage to speak, "H-hey Rin...I think maybe you should stop ignoring Y/n, it's not very nice and-"

"Shut up. This is between me and her. It's none of your business what I do."

You watched as poor Tokimitsu began freaking out, apologizing profusely before mumbling to himself and biting his nails.

You scowled, "Quit being such a prick. Toki' didn't even do anything wrong."

He looked away, still ignoring you as he went to finish up with his shoes.

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