The 'Bathroom Excuse'

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I'm super duper mega ultra sorry I went on a 1 month Hiatus...
I was prioritizing Highschool soccer (I Have 17 goals this season so far over the course of 7 games)

I felt bad for not posting in so long so I grinded this chapter out after I finished my Algebra Test
Not to brag but I rushed through it and still got a 98% 🤓

Anyway hope you all enjoy!!!

This chapter has Reo and Nagi making an appearance once again LMFAO


"He touched her Boobs!"


Warnings: Swearing, mention of Blow Jobs and all that jazz

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Swearing, mention of Blow Jobs and all that jazz. You know the drill ‼️

"Teenagers are disgusting." Ego frowned, shutting off the monitor as he spun around in his chair.

Anri stood behind him, red as a tomato as she didn't really know what to say...

You and Isagis little 'session' was in one of the rooms where blue locks' main security cameras were present.

Ego would have had to be blind to miss what had just occurred before his eyes...

Anri was also the second unfortunate soul to witness the passionate moment as she went to show Ego the progress reports...

It's not like Ego didn't expect something like this to happen...I mean a bunch of teenage guys locked away with a single girl within their presence was sure to be troublesome.

But he didn't expect it to be Isagi of all people to make a move.

Regardless of who it was, it was still unpleasant to watch, which is why he simply shut off the screen.

"W-what do you think we should do about that Ego-San?" Anri questioned, clearing her throat.

He thought for a moment, before pushing his glasses up to the bridge of his nose, "There's nothing we can do about it. Under normal circumstances, I'd probably just kick them out. But both of them are too valuable player-wise. It would be a waste of talent to do that, especially over something so stupid."

"What if they end up going too far? We can't risk an 'accident' happening during this program."

"Ah. You make a decent point."

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