Realization and longing

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I need to stop buying Starbucks. I go bankrupt every week from it.

Y/N and Rin dynamic is such a W



WARNINGS: Language, Tickling, Implied ReoNagi breakup🤡

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Language, Tickling, Implied ReoNagi breakup🤡



The ball made a loud, clean sound every time it made contact with your foot.

You felt beads of sweat begin to cascade down your forehead from the repetitive motion of your body, as you slammed every ball into the net on the first touch.

"Ninety-six...ninety-seven" you exhaled sharply, "Ninety-eight......ninety-nine.....and one hundred"

You leaned back for a moment, resting your hands on your hips to catch your breath, before walking over to exit the large white field area.

There was a short hall that led into the main room, and to your surprise and delight, it was completely empty.

"Yes!" You pumped your fist with a wide smile.

No Rin meant you had successfully beaten him.

You had only missed two shots in total, which was beyond satisfactory.

Sitting down at a nearby seat, you looked around, crossing your legs and waiting patiently for the next person to come around.

Within the next minute or so, you heard the door swoosh open, instantly turning your attention over to see who it was.

"Look who it is! The first member of my team!" You grinned, waving at Rin as he rolled his eyes.

"You're such a try-hard."

Your smile only grew at his words "Someone's mad I beat him~"

Your chirpy and cocky tone pissed him off slightly, I mean, the man hated losing more than anything...

"I could care less." He kept an unreadable expression on his face as he sat down at one of the seats across from you.

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