Chapter 14 - part 1

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Ill be going on holiday for a week so im literally gonna spam upload until Friday, be grateful.

I woke up, my head pounding from the sleepless nights rest i had.
I sat up straight, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as they adjusted to the light.
I had found a ripped piece  of fabric and an old jacket that i used as a bed for the night, since the cabin everyone was supposed to sleep in got recked. Yk.

As my eyes adjusted i looked around to see Jorge to my right and Brenda to my left, both still dead asleep.
It then hit me: Minho was gone.
He had been taken.

And not to mention newt. Minho was like a brother to him, he's probably dead inside knowing his friends gone.

Suddenly i caught a glimpse of Thomas a newt walking at a quick pace by some buildings, looking around, almost as if they were checking no one had seen them.
I quickly stood up and silently followed the 2 around the save haben, until both entered a hut that was surprisingly still standing after all of the fires and explosions.

I walked up to the door frame, standing just out of view, while Thomas, newt and someone else started to discuss.

"No. No we cant do that. Im not putting my people at risk!" A voice shouted which i quickly took as Vince.

A sigh was heard until Thomas spoke up, "what? Aren't the right arm supposed to be an army?"

"We were! Ok? Key word: were." Vince replied.

"Well its the only bloody shot we've got, you don't need to put your people in danger, but let us do this.."
The unmissable accent of newts spoke.

"But when we re-locate-" Vince spoke but quickly was interrupted by Thomas.

"You can still re-locate, you can still do everything thats intended, taking everyone to the save haven. This will take weeks, maybe months to play anyway, so you let us work away at this? And we will keep out of your way?" Thomas reasoned.

There was silence for a few moments before Vince spoke up once more.
"Fine.. but don't put my people in danger got that?"

"Clear, 100% wont get involved. And newt, tell that girlfriend of yours, we could use her help." Thomases said, before already starting to structure a plan with Vince. Not knowing how long it would really take.

"She isn't my bloody girlfriend tommy, lets just focus on this, ill tell her as soon as its set in stone what the plan is.."

And like that, everyone was dismissed, and i had heard every. Single. Word.

Another chapter still to come!

One and Only? // y/n x Newt Maze Runner [Scorch Trails]Where stories live. Discover now