Meetings and Greetings

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Vanessa's POV:

Grace stands in the center of the living room holding out a tray of cookies offering everyone one.

Lila snagged a few cookies then noticed food on the table and wasted no time to eat.
"Lovely to meet you."

Diego signals to his eyes and then points to Grace in a confused manner.

Luther mouths making a stabbing motion to his eye.
"Stabbed herself in the eye."

Me and Five wander in and stand near Diego and Lila.
Five steps in front of me in a shielding way as he sees Fei and Ben approaching.

Fei walks towards an ash-brown couch while Ben stays in place analyzing everyone. "Welcome." Fei's ravens all caw while she extends her hand to greet everyone.

"Please make yourselves at home."
Fei stretches her hands out in a welcoming manner.

Allison sneers at Fei's statement looking away in irritation. "Bitch, this is our home."

Fei gets seated on a chair and lifts a brow at Allison.
"Excuse me?"

Luther perks up holding the jelly beans making an effort to break the tension.
"Uh, jellybean?"

Diego glances at Five and then at Luther in a confused manner. "Where the hell is Viktor and Klaus?"

Five loudly sighs while looking in Diego's direction.
"With our luck, probably Kugelblitzed by now."

Diego blinks rapidly and then turns his attention over to Five. "You're a dark little dude sometimes."

I stand there crossing my arms and Lila whispers over to me "Hey Vanessa, want a cookie?"
I roll my eyes at her stuffing her face with all sorts of snacks.

Fei catches sight of Diego's hand and lifts her hand in curiosity while shooting up a question.
"Ooh, what happened to your hand?"

I can't help but chuckle at Five's facial expressions as he hears the conversations around him.

Ben takes a few steps forward and claps his hands to seize everyone's attention.
"We don't have time for idle chitchat. Everyone, sit down."

Diego darts his eyes over to Ben who is already staring at Diego, who is still standing.
"Please" would be nice."

Lila giggles at the tension she sensed between Diego and Ben.

Ben sighed and gave a sign with his hand "No"

I sit on the couch behind me that Lila and Diego were sitting in and Five sits with me shortly after.

Five stares at me for a moment before whispering in my ear. "This little get-together could either go relatively good or extremely bad, If it goes all nuts you owe me a date."

I turn to Five rolling my eyes and smiling. "Deal, but even if everything went nuts how would that be my place to owe you something?"

Five smirked and telepathically answered. 'There's only one simple explanation to that. Your presence seems to make everything better, no matter how shit everything is'
The corners of my mouth turn up as soon as I hear Five's words linger in my mind.

After a while I see Luther looking as if he's going to hurl.


Luther paces back and forth, anyone could tell the anxiety that was spreading throughout him.
"So, uh... This is kinda nice, right? All of us here together..."

I chuckle at Luther who can't seem to keep it together. And by the looks of it, everyone saw how nervous Luther was.

Luther laughs to try to break the tension in the room as he continues his speech.
"One big happy family." He turns to Sloane and whispers worriedly. "I feel like I'm sweaty. Am I sweating?"

Oh my gosh, he needs to get it together.

Sloane cups his cheek and softly whispers to him.
"No, you're fine."

Ben takes over making everyone shift their attention to him.

"Look, I know there's been bad blood between us. Whatever. Bygones, right?"

I look over to Diego who is completely zoned out.
He eventually raises his hand with a smirk plastered over his face.

Ben places his hands to his sides and notices Diego's hand.

"Yeah, if I kill you, do we get our Ben back? Hypothetically."

Ben gets irritated by what he just heard and Fei's laughing only results in the irritation to heighten.
"Keep talking, and your hand won't be the only thing bleeding."

Five butts in the conversation as they get off topic.
"Okay, if the testosterone twins are done, I'd like to get back to a plan."

And yet another interruption but this time by Viktor.

"Where is he?"
Viktor said in a tone mixed with hurt and offense.

Allison ignored Viktor's question and stared at him with no expression.

Viktor looked at Ben most likely putting the fault on him. "What did you do to Harlan?"

Allison brought her arm on the armrest of the chair she was seated in and darted her eyes at Viktor.
"They didn't do anything. I did. I killed Harlan."



Btw I'm sorry I haven't been consistent with this story, I will try to be more consistent.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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