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We walk up to the commission and enter from broken doors and as we do I feel a warm sensation spread throughout my whole body.

Lila giggles while holding her chest and examining the place.
"Holy shit. I was just here. How long was I bloody gone?"

Five positions the briefcase down on the dusty floor beside him and corrects his watch.
"It seems the grandfather paradox is affecting everything. Even places out of time."
"Is that possible?"
"I stopped tracking what was possible a long time ago."

We start to walk away but some broken cement nearly fell on us but I used my telekinesis and move it to fall in front of us. Lila claps her hands while laughing.
"Ouu impressive!"

Five explores the place and glues his eyes on the stairs. "We better get moving."
"I'll check the Infinite Switchboard."
Five gets a hold of my hand and yanks me up the stairs
"Five what if I wanted to go somewhere on my own?"
"Well, you aren't, your staying by my side at all times, remember?" I get out of his grip annoyingly "Yeah whatever."
"And I'll check Herb's office. Little cockroach would survive anything.
"See ya."
Lila looks back at Five that is already halfway up the stairs. "Miss you."
Five's facial expression turns into a disgusted one.
"That's weird."
3rd person pov

As Vanessa and Five are roaming to the infinite switchboard Vanessa catches Five staring at her so she sighs.
"What are you looking at?"
Five clenches his jaw and continues wondering disliking Vanessa's attitude.
"Your such a bitch recently you know."
Vanessa crosses her arms looking away while Five resumes analyzing her facial expression.
"That's none of your concern."

Five doesn't like it when Vanessa pushes him away, he wishes she'd stop being stubborn at times and be tolerable although he doesn't mind putting up with her crankiness. Five also started to get upset, After he was convinced they were somehow getting along with each other Vanessa completely throws it down the drain.
"Vanessa it is my fucking concern when you start behaving like a little irritating bratty toddler every second."
Vanessa stops in her tracks and shortly after so does Five, She looked at Five's face and sees he's irritated but looks away. Vanessa goes quiet she didn't know how irritating she was until she heard that sentence come out of his mouth and usually she would fight back but this time she didn't have it in her because the words sat there in her mind sinking in deeper and deeper.

Five felt remorse as soon as he said that and felt a whole flood of it when he saw her expression shift to a hurt one but didn't get to see much of it as she turned her head away and went quiet.
"Look Vanessa I didn't mean that it's just-"

Five lost his train of thought as he was about to say sorry but it was hard for him because he doesn't like admitting he was in the wrong but set all of that aside for her. When he saw her again still looking away not saying a word the apology just slipped out. "Vanessa I'm sorry I snapped at you I just- I just wanted you to stop pushing me away." They stood there in silence after he said that, he yearned for a reaction out of her and immediately pulled her into an embrace.

"I'm really sorry Vanessa I promise you don't irritate me, but what does irritate me is when you shut me out." Vanessa pulled away and smiled at him and so did Five. "Fine, it's just I can't be nobody to you Five."
Five cupped her cheek while gazing at her caramel-looking eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I wanna be your friend" Vanessa's words slipped out so quickly that even she got surprised she said that because after all, they are breaking the rules they made. Five took a moment to think about it and it didn't seem like a bad idea because of course he wanted to so he was glad to hear they were thinking the same.

I'm Yours Unintentionally (Five hargreeves)Where stories live. Discover now