"Everything alright?"

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Pogo taps his fingers on the table repeatedly looking out the window.
"It was a kamikaze mission. He was preparing the Sparrow children with the expectation they might never return. That's why I gave the children those pills, to keep them safe from him."

Pogo turned to me with a saddened look to which I give him a small smile.

Five blinks a handful of times and takes a gulp of his drink.

"Well, my drսg brother just got him sober. Go figure."

Pogo points his finger at me and Five with a warning tone. "Then Project Oblivion is starting again, and you are all in danger."

Five get a hold of his glass of alcohol and gulps every last bit of it then placing it back on the table.

I pick up my glass but Five grabs it and chugs it.
"You're not drinking Vanessa."

I roll my eyes and lay back crossing my arms.

"Well, then I should probably get that ink. Complete the loop."

Pogo furrows his brows darting his eyes up at Five who already stood up and is tugging at his blazer.
"Are you sure?"

Five mumbles while taking off his coat keeping his sight on Pogo.
"Oh, I don't think destiny cares whether I am or not."

Tammy closes the book in her hand and gets up from her seat.
"Bitch is cruel, ain't she?"

As Tammy passes Pogo she hands him the book and then her eyes peered over in my direction. I roll my eyes at the lady who is now sitting across from me observing Five who's taking off his tie.

Pogo softly sighed with the book still in his possession.
"Well then, let's get started."

I watch as he's only in his white dressing shirt unbuttoning the shirt. He smirks most likely knowing my eyes were on him.

His eyes shifted from his shirt to meet mine and signaled for me to come over. I got up and sat next to him to catch a sight of his bare chest. My eyes travel down to see his abs.

Who knew after being in an apocalypse you can still stay fit?

I lend my ear to the tattoo machine buzzing meanwhile Five interlocks his hand with mine and smiles at me.

While he was getting the tattoo he squeezed my hand at times the pain was unbearable causing veins to be shown on his hands.

Pretty hot if you ask me.


I roam around the room looking for every possible place Stanley could be. I stop in the middle of the room and sigh turning my attention to Diego who's looking under the bed.

I feel a hand on my waist turning me around. I'm met with Five... and his lips.

"Hey love, I'm not sure if you know this but Stanley isn't in this room and I would be delighted if you help me find out how this opened."
Five points to the painting in front of us while smiling.

I giggle and press my lips together getting out of his grip, examining the large painting.

As I do Lila storms in the room shouting at Diego.

"What the hell are you doing? Stanley is gone! We need to face this!"

Diego lifts up the mattress and I can't help but chuckle. "Just check the chimney!"

I get a nudge from the green-eyed boy.
"I'm sorry Five but look at him. He's going nuts."

I stretch my arm out in the air pointing towards Diego who's checking every inch of the mattress. Five rolls his eyes continuing to inspect the painting.

I'm Yours Unintentionally (Five hargreeves)Where stories live. Discover now