Chapter Four: The Triwizard Tournament

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01 September 1994

Annabeth stood talking to Fred and George with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Kit, Cat, and Lysandra in the Front Courtyard when someone exclaimed. "Look at that!"

They all ran over to look out the window to see a large carriage coming towards the school with white Winged Horses flying it. The Winged Horses and the carriage flew right past the Front Courtyard windows. Down on a runway, they could see Hagrid bringing it in for a landing. He turned around a second and didn't notice how close the Winged Horses had gotten. When Hagrid turned around again, he had to jump out of the way or he would have gotten run over by the carriage.

"Woah!" Annabeth, Fred, and George exclaimed with the crowd.

"There's something you don't see every day." George commented from behind Annabeth and beside Fred who stood behind Ginny and beside Harry and Hermione.

Then, they looked over and saw the mast of a ship rise from the water of the Black Lake until a full wooden ship appeared.


Annabeth sat between Fred and George at the opening feast across from Lee, Angelina, and Alicia with some other Sixth Years as Dumbledore walked to his owl podium and started his opening speech following the Sorting Ceremony. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny sat a ways down the table with Kit Orlov, Lysandra Grey, Padma and Parvati Patil, Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas, and Seamus Finnegan. "Well now that we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement." Dumbledore told the students. As he went on, Filch opened the doors, drawing everyone's attention to him. They watched as he huffed, running down the aisle towards the Headmaster. "This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen—" Filch had made his way to the owl podium and Dumbledore stopped to speak with the Caretaker of Hogwarts.

Annabeth had barely noticed. She was looking all around for Mad-Eye who was nowhere to be seen. George realized what she was doing. "Don't worry, Annabeth. I'm sure he's just running late."

Annabeth sighed, still worried. "Maybe."

The students around them chuckled at Filch. As the Caretaker and Headmaster whispered, Filch pointed towards the door. Dumbledore nodded his head, agreeing to something, then Filch started running back down the aisle and Dumbledore resumed his speech. "Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. The Triwizard Tournament." Annabeth, Fred, and George had heard of it before. The twins had been intrigued by it for a long time and had read up on it. They were thrilled that it had come to Hogwarts. Annabeth, on the other hand, was not. She hated the thought of anyone she cared about, especially George or Fred or Harry, competing. Annabeth already had a bad feeling about it as Dumbledore went on to explain what the Triwizard Tournament was. "For those of you who do not know, the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school a single student is selected to compete. Now, let me be clear, if stand alone. And trust me when I say, these contests are not for the faint hearted. But more of that later. For now, please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their Headmistress Madame Maxine."

The Great Hall doors opened to reveal a host of fine young Witches from the Beauxbatons Academy in the French Pyrenees coming in. They were wearing beautiful pale blue dresses with short shawls and hats of darker pale blue. The ladies walked in in a close formation, gracefully, before stopping and turning to the right side and reaching out a hand with a smile. "Ah." They all breath out softly in unison. Then, they all turned back to look down the aisle before continuing on their way, only to stop a foot away and turn to left and do the same thing, right by Ron, Harry, and Seamus. "Ah." They said in unison again. Before turning back to look down the middle, they ran off for the front. The ladies stopped right at the ends of the House tables and rolled their shoulders from which tiny blue birds came out of their dresses and chirped. Then, they ran to stop in position in front of the House tables as the birds disappeared while they waited for their Headmistress. Coming in front of her were two others. One was a few years younger than the ladies and worn a leotard as she did cartwheels down the aisle. Beside her was another, dressed the same as the other Witches, who could pass as the sister of the young girl in the leotard. The second girl in the blue dress in front of Madame Maxine was twirling in front of her Headmistress. She and the one in the leotard stopped moving at the same time and bowed. Dumbledore came over to the Beauxbatons Headmistress and took her hand.

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