Return To Home And Pokemon Training

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After winning the Earth Badge, our heroes are now in the Ketchum hometown; Pallet Town.

"Wow, what a peaceful town this is." Brock said.

Misty nodded, "Yeah and its pretty."

ash smiled, "Thanks."

Ash grinned happily with pikachu beside him, "Come on, we should head home and see if mom is here." He ran ahead.

The others ran after the Ketchum.

When they arrived at the Ketchum home, they saw Mrs.Ketchum there waiting for them at the front of the house.

"Pika / Mum!" Ash and pikachu beamed at their mother like.

Delia smiled and hugged her children like, "ash, Pikachuu welcome home!" She greeted them, "Eevee as well"

"eevee" Eevee smiled.

"It's nice to see Ash friends Misty and Brock right." Delia asked smiled at them.

"It's nice to see you too Mrs.Ketchum ." They greeted back.

"I still thank you both for taking care of Ash and Pikachu."

"It's was no problem, really." Brock said, "We had a great time in travelling with her."

"It's was fun." Misty grinned.

Delia giggled, "I see, well come on in." She said.

They entered the Ketchum home and Persian there greeted them at the entrance way.

"Hey Persian." ash petted her.

As persian purred at the touch.

Near the window was a large cat bed with a red yarn ball and kitty paw blankets.

"Where are Delibird and Roserade?" Ash asked.

"Dely is out on a delivery for me and Lady Rose is tending to the garden, she is in charge of it along with Lady Vanny." Delia answered.

"Lady Vanny?" ash said.

The gang went to the backyard where the garden is and It's was beautiful and big, with different fruits, vegetables, berries and flowers growing there.

"Oh wow, it's so beautiful." Misty said in awe.

"It's looks like a small forest." Brock commented.

There was a medium size pond with a Pokémon bird bath and inside the two Poliwag.

They also saw other Pokémon's there; Staryu and Starmie were watering the plants, a Bellossom, a Roselia and a Leavanny tending the garden.

Brock blinked, "What Pokémon is that?" He pointed towards the nurturing Pokémon.

"It's a Leavanny, there a Bug and Grass-type Pokémon." Ash answered.

"Mum, where did you found a Leavanny?" Ash asked his mother.

"Poor dear was poached from her home, she was able to escape but she was really injured when I found her." Delia explained

"Poachers." The gang growled, they had a ran in with a couple..

"I captured her quickly and took her to Porfessor Oak who was able to heal her to 100% and since she didn't really trust anyone expect for me and Professor Oak, I asked her if she like to stay with me and help Lady Rose to tend the garden and I name her Lady Vanny, since she is also one of the caretakers of the garden."

"And the others Pokémon's?" ash questioned.

"Well Starmie, Staryu and the two Poliwag, I captured in a lake nearby stream, since you caught Lady Rose and I couldn't really find time to water the garden. Bellossom and Roselia, were looking at the garden one morning." Delia answered

Ash the legendary pokemon trainer and master indigo league part 1 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now