Tentacool and Tentacruel

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Our heroes arrive at porta vista, Ash was training and a bit of sightseeing, he then sees a construction sight and is puzzled at the sight. He decides to use one of his psychic abilities to see where it was being built on.

                                                   [Consider there are two horsea there]

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                                                   [Consider there are two horsea there]

He sees it's being built very close to a coral reef, basically side by side, cramping the area. They group finds two injured horsea, they squirt their ink and makes a rather crude picture that vaguely shows a Tentacool and Tentacruel.

Oh boy, that's not good.

Ash thought to himself, explaining to he others that horsea was trying to say that a Tentacool and Tentacruel were responsible for them to be hurt. Then, they see an area of the water having an exploision of a boat. Ash and misty  get their water pokemon to help the people from the exploision.

The gang is taken to a very short and ugly, yet filthy rich women named Nastina, Who is building a resort at the area ash found with the coral reef. "we would be able to finish it rather nicely....IF THOSE TENTACOOL WOULD STOP HARASSING US!" Nastina complained loudly, Ash flinched at these as his senses are getting hurt.

"If I may maam? You've building the resort very close to the coral reef. My guess is that coral reef was the tentacool's house." Ash exclaimed and misty nodded, she loves water pokemon and seeing the water pokemon habitat getting destroyed was unacceptable for her.

"Well, I am offering a very generous offer if you exterminate those Tentacool! All you can eat was delicious food, a million dollars and free visits to my resort with free room service until you croak!" Nastina offered as she shows a large banquette of delicious food, brock was quite swayed, but misty and Ash were disguisted by nastina's behaviour.

Ash remembered his future vision he saw. If these continues, the port and everything around it ceast to exist, so he hatches a plan.

"Nastina, you've made your point of how annoyed you are. But, let me ask you something. let's say some pokemon are making a battlefield or something out of your home. How would you feel about it?"

Nastina replies "Well, I would blow a fuse of course! I mean, you'd a selfish jerk to do tha-"

She realizes her mistake "...... And I'm a big jerk for doing that to the pokemon..." Ash smiles and then says "I have an idea. I have an abra that's being training itself with Teleport and his telekinetic ability. How about we move the resort area somewhere else that isn't inhabited by pokemon and you'll be able to have your resort and the pokemon there habitat" he said and Nastina liked that idea.

"That's a good idea, but you see, the reason I placed this resort there is so everyone can see the coral reef." Ash continues with "I can have my pokemon ask the wild pokemon to help with that part. I'm thinking of a tunnel people can walk around with clear walls and ceilings so they can see the entire ocean. you can even make occasional games with that for some of the kids, like finding certain items or pokemon."

Ash the legendary pokemon trainer and master indigo league part 1 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now