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With his two badges, Ash and brock both are headed to vermillion city. Ash battles some trainers to level up pikachu, cleffa and his other pokemon.

"You're really good!" A kid said and continues with "I bet you can defeat A.J, he lives out there." They arrive to a wooden gate and a large sign says ninety eight wins and zero losses and a note saying it's not an authorized gym for badges, but you get a very special previlege as a prize. Being able to carry any amount of pokemon intead of six or less.

"Wow that some prize." Ash said after this he heard a angry voice

"Ashy-boy? Is that you" he asked

"And I am any problem garybear" he asked

After these gary said

"What is this" he asked

"Oh you got it like it" he said

"You bastard I will defeat A.J and show you where you belong ketchum" he said

"We will see about that, chump?" Another voice said revealing A.J and his sandshrew and a bagpack in tow.

"So you're the wild pokemon trainer A.J" Gary asked in a  confident manner.

"That's me. So who wants to battle me?" he replied.

"I'll go first, to show ashy boy here how it's done." Gary said

"He always have a big head, but I can't say the same about his brain." Ash said, Making A.J laugh.

"You got moxie kid! I like you! What your name" A.J said while gary was stunned at the comment.

"My name is Ash. Ash ketchum."

A.J looked stunned at the name.

"So you're the one with so many titles that professor oak use to talk about?"

Ash nods at this

"Well I definitely want a battle with you after this chump! So where did you get your badges? Maybe some loser gyms. Failure city? or maybe wimpsville."

This make brock and misty who is hiding gained a tick mark

"Ash, when gary is done, Pulverize this guy!" Brock said at this ash was shocked as he never saw brock this much angry.

"Well, relax. It was a joke. I knew even if it was some loser gym or something like mine, Ash would have put a good fight against it. As for this guy, maybe five minutes if he's lucky." A.J said, now that made gary made.

"Let's battle now!" He demanded well, it didn't take long for A.J and his sandshrew to cream gary wartortle.

"What?! But wartortle should've beaten a mere sandshrew!"

"And that's number ninety nine!" A.J cheered.

Gary was demanding a rematch.                                                                                                                                    

"Hey, let him come over here and battle me now. You lost chump." Ash steps on the battle field and asks A.J.

"Can we do a triple battle?"

A.J thinks about this and replies "Sure, this'll be fun! Butterfree, Beedrill! Get out here! Triple battle time!" A butterfree and a beedrill fly out of tent and goes to the battle field with a crack of A.J whip. Ash sends out pikachu, Eevee and cleffa.

"Strange choices, But no matter!"

Ash then said "Triple battle combo number twelve!"

Pikachu then uses rain dance, next, eevee takes cleffa underground with dig she learned during training, then to everyone's except Ash's suprise, Pikachu uses the move surf.

Ash the legendary pokemon trainer and master indigo league part 1 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now