Aura and psychic showdown

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes and Haunter finally arrive in Saffron City, and are ambushed by strange Hula girls and gives them flower necklaces and both kisses Brock on the cheeks. They giggle and says "Congratulations winners! You are the millionth, millionth and first, millionth and second, millionth and third, millionth and fourth and millionth and fifth visitors to Saffron City."

Ash is suspicious about this and reads their mind.

 Hehehe. This'll be easy getting their pokemon. Hopefully, James has the warp tile ready. 

Ash knew it, it was Team Rocket, so he makes them trip via telekinesis. It causes their wigs to fall off. 

"Team Rocket?!" Brock and Misty exclaimed and Brock looked disgusted. 

"Oh gross! They both kissed me!" Brock was trying to rub off his face.

Ash secretly uses telekinesis to grab Misty's mallet and whacks them repeatedly and whacks them in the sky. 

"What the hell was that?!" Misty shouts in confusion. 

Ash stretches and says "That was weird. Let's head to the pokemon center."

Brock seems a but suspicious of Ash, but they head to the center anyways.

Ash heads to the empty battlefield while is pokemon are being checked up on and he remembers some good and bad times.

It was on the third day on their journey, that Ash and Pichu learned they were the ones in that forest so long ago, so they had an even closer bond then. Ash smiled, remembering the fun times he had with that Kangaskhan and Pichu.

He was lacking his own training in exchange of his pokemon's training. He was going to remedy this, but he sees Brock, he thought it was a good idea that he didn't start or used his powers immediately. 

Brock then said "Dinner is ready and the pokemon are fine."

Ash nods and heads off, Brock feeling even more suspicious about Ash, after dinner, he has his pokemon undergo in very special and intense training.


 the gang finds Gary.

"Hey Ashy Boy. Didn't know you were here." Ash sighed and said 

"We got here last night. We're on the way to the gym."

Gary laughed."Hah! You? Battle Sabrina?! That's rich!"

Ash tightened his fist, trying to calm himself down and said "Well, I beat Surge when you didn't with a Nidoking."

 Gary grabbed Ash by the collar on his vest and said "This time will be different and you know it!"

Ash caught gary hand and broke it as he said "Might as well watch you." 

Gary howling in pain glared at him and said "Very well. I'll show you how it's done." 

Ash and the gang nods and they head to the gym, when their stopped by a jogger.

"You should skip this gym. Sabrina is too powerful for you." He said

 Ash replies with "After my gym battle, I have to give Sabrina something. I did promise Professor Oak and he promised her father." 

The jogger looked at Ash with shock. "Y-you're Ash Ketchum?"

 Ash nods and Gary goes in with "And I'm Gary Oak. Professor Oak's grandson and BETTER TRAINER."

The jogger looked at Gary with annoyance, but went back to Ash. "Does he do that a lot?" 

Ash the legendary pokemon trainer and master indigo league part 1 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now