Elemental (Fantasy Prompt)

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When I arrived at the Elemental Ashram, I did not realize what fate had in store for me.

The ashram was full of magnificent dragons of all different breads. Many of whom had never seen a human, much less a hybrid like me.

But as the days wore on, I found myself being summoned to the grand council of the ashram. When the day arrived for me to appear before them, I approached their stone temple with a mixture of intrigue and curiosity.

I hesitated at the entrance, but Luck encouraged me in with a friendly pat on the back. "Nothing to be afraid of," he had said to me.

So, I entered the temple and strode into a massive open-air configuration. Every bit of the stonework is intricately carved. Each wall of the four main walls, balanced a gigantic boulder, intricately carved with varying symbols. Unsure what to do, I stepped into the center of the room and took a seat on the floor as I awaited the council.

I sat there for twenty minutes before I noticed movement in my peripherals. As I looked up, I was amazed to find four separate dragons unfurling from the stone columns. Each one transitioning from a stoney appearance into a magnificent dep rich color. There were four of them and I watched them in awe.

I finally stood as they approached me from each side. Then I stumbled to the side as the floor beneath me rumbled to life and the carving I had stood on turned into a magnificent dragon, as well.

The creature nodded to the others before it turned to me and spoke is a deep voice, "Tell me young one, how is it that you have come into possession of the Essence of Knowledge?"

Befuddled, I could only studder, "I- I – uh, I'm sorry. I don't know what that is."

The dragon raised its eyebrow and its tail whipped towards me. I flinched, but calmed when it rested on the necklace, still embedded in my skin.

Looking down, I watched the dragon's tail tap the stone now embedded into the once empty band of the necklace. It had been a long time since I looked at the necklace, now seeing the stone from my dreams resting in the necklace, made my breath hitch. My hand reached to my clavicle, and I stroked the stone in admiration.

Remembering where I currently stood, I looked back to the dragon. "What do you know of this stone?"

The dragon looked at me curiously before responding, "As I just said, it is called the Essence of Knowledge. It is known to be the stone of the guardian."

I waited patiently, hoping for more. But he only reiterated his previous question," How has it come into your possession?"

So, I told them my story. From the moment I met the old woman, to my last memory of the sphinx. I held their rapt attention as I described that last moment of chaos and how I awoke in my new body. I could not say exactly how it happened, but I knew that had to be how I currently possessed the stone.

When I finished, they asked me to sit for a moment and they bowed their heads. I watched subtle flickering of their eyelids, mouth, and nose as I waited. Suddenly, all heads rose at once, slightly startling me.

I stood up quickly.

The white dragon spoke, "We believe it is time for you to start your training."

"My training?" I asked in confusion.

They looked amongst one another, "Surely you have felt the pull within you?"

"The pull?" I asked.

The green dragon with brown dappling responded soothingly, "The bearer of the stone is known to possess powers beyond compare. Our ancestors have taught each of them before you. AS the new bearer, you too possess that power."

"We each possess the ability of one elemental power that makes up the complete elemental grid," added a black dragon with gold speckling. He rose his head confidently, "Fire."

To his left, a blue dragon with dark striations spoke, "water."

"Earth" offered the green dragon.

The silverish dragon whispered, "Wind," with a smile.

I nodded to each and then turned to the white dragon, awaiting his addition.

He chuckled, "I am only the keeper of the elementals. My power is only the ability to keep them in line."

"Oh" I said with a nervous giggle. "Are you sure about this?"

"A guardian chooses their replacement carefully. If the stone is given willingly, then there is no question to the validity of their choice," the dragon tried to reassure me, patting my shoulder with his tail.

I smiled up at him and then frowned at the stern look that came across his face.

"There is one thing you should be prepared for, Karasi." He paused as he searched my face. "As a guardian, your life will never go back to it's past. Danger will seek you and anyone you associate with. So, tread with care and trust the knowledge you have learned and that which has been given to you."

I left the temple that day, knowing my life would never be the same. I forced my fears into the backseat, including the notion that I was the exception to the right choice. Instead, as Luck would have it, he turned my spirits towards the excitement of my elemental training.


I found a family within the Dragon kingdom and trained with the Elementals every day. Charasa taught me to harness the wind, while Frenjin encouraged me to spark my inner flames. It was Bordo who helped me understand the motion of water, and Crevla showed me how to mold the Earth to my will. But though the Elementals stoked my power, it was Thamlu who taught me how to ring them in and hold them in place. 

Karasi of PelnoraWhere stories live. Discover now