Chapter 19

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"You haven't showered, Have you?" (Y/n) wondered as she opened the door to her hut

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"You haven't showered, Have you?" (Y/n) wondered as she opened the door to her hut

The hut itself was relatively small, That is if you compare it to the Homestead. Inside it was quite cozy, The hut consisted of one room that worked as a kitchen, Bedroom, And office all together.

"Didn't have the chance to..." Teresa mumbled as she stood around awkwardly, She was looking around the hut which was inviting yet unknown to her "Do you have a shower here?" She raised an eyebrow as she looked around but didn't see any doors that might lead to the bathroom

"I'm not that privileged" Joked the (H/c) as she closed the door behind her and walked toward her bed where she kneeled down "I share the showers with the rest of the guys, Do you want to shower or are you too tired?" She asked while glancing at Teresa from over her shoulder 

"I could use a shower, I feel disgusting" Teresa chuckled as she watched (Y/n) rumble through her clothing "What are you looking for?" 

"Some clothes to change into — Check, Is this your size?" (Y/n) asked as she offered the girl a blue shirt 

"Yeah, This one fits" Teresa nodded making the (H/c) nod as well as she started searching through her pants and different more personal accessories for women "You have a lot of clothes..." 

"Most of them aren't mine" Chuckeled (Y/n) as she stood up "I think this is Chucks... He slept here one time and decided this drawer is his" Scoffed the female as she picked up a brown jacket "That one definitely belongs to Newt, Don't ask why I don't know either"

"Oh, and we don't have hot water" The female gave Teresa a sheepish smile while throwing a towel over her shoulder and handing Teresa another one "Do you need anything else? If you're on your period I have some stuff" 

"No, I have everything I need" Teresa assured with a smile "How long have you been here...?"

"Huh? Oh right, Were you not given a tour?" (Y/n) asked worriedly "For god's sake I really thought Jeff or Clint would do the tour" She groaned as the two exited the hut and walked through the woods "We've been here for three years... I've been here for four" 

"Four? And you still haven't found the exit?" Teresa asked, The night's air was cool against her flushed cheeks as she followed the (H/c) "Sorry... Didn't mean to sound mean"

"No, It's fine. I don't think we have any excuse for not finding the exit yet" Mumbeled (Y/n), Her (E/c) eyes watching the ground sadly as her grip tightened on the set of clothing in her hands "But I have a hunch we'll find the exit soon enough"

"Four years..." Teresa whispered in thought "(Y/n), How old are you?" 

"I don't know, Nobody knows" The female chuckled "I don't even know what I look like, The reflection in the water is never enough to know" She smiled "But I don't care, It doesn't matter how old I am or how I look like, What's important is I do my duty so we escape this shucking place"

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