Chapter 14

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"Med-Jacks!" Minho called as both his hands cupped around his mouth 

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"Med-Jacks!" Minho called as both his hands cupped around his mouth 

Both Clint and Jeff pushed their way through the crowd before they stood in front of the four with (Y/n) kneeling beside the unconscious girl whose breathing was very shallow 

"So, What do we do with her?" Jeff asked as he glanced between the three conscious teens 

"How should we know?" Minho's arms were crossed as he stood beside (Y/n) almost reminding of a bodyguard "You two shanks are the Med-Jacks, Figure it out" He said

"Looks like (Y/n) got the first shot of her" Someone laughed from the crowd while the others chuckled 

"Damn it (Y/n), Leave some for the rest of us" Another one joked while the only thing the (H/c) was concerned about at the moment was the unconscious girl 

"If anybody touches this girl" Newt spoke up, Voice loud as the crowd of Gladers settled down "You're going to spend the night with the Grievers in the Maze, Banished!" He shouted "Ain't no difference between her or (Y/n), The rules ain't changing" 

"I think they got the point..." Whispered the (H/c), She was still deep in thought as she stood up "Jeff, Clint" She called to the two who turned to her "Her heartbeat is normal, I'd say she went into a coma probably from panic — You better check though, I'm no medic" 

"Your guess is as good as mine," Clint said with a sigh as he kneeled down beside her and also checked her pulse, He then neared his cheek to her chest to hear her heartbeat "She seems fine, Breathing okay... But you're right, I'd say she's in a coma" He glanced to (Y/n) who nodded "Jeff, Let's take her to the Homestead"

"Guess we'll have to see what she does" Jeff mumbled, Mostly to himself as he kneeled on the girl's other side and picked her up bridal style "We can feed her soupy stuff if she doesn't wake up soon"

"Just watch her closely," Newt said "Must be something special about her or they wouldn't have sent her here" He noted and patted the (H/c)'s shoulder who was watching the unconscious girl closely 

"Something special?" (Y/n) tilted her head as she glanced at the boy in front of her

"I'm tellin' you, Those two are all by themselves," Newt said as the two kids sat beside one another, The cold air from the conditioners of the lab made the two sit closer to one another from the freezing cold that their small little bodies couldn't bare

"I guess... I mean if I wasn't with you I'd probably also be lonely" (Y/n) chuckled as she glanced up at the kid with a sheepish smile, He was a year or two older than her "But why are those two special? There has to be a reason why they're tested all alone..." 

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