Chapter 3

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The cold air kissed (Y/n)'s cheeks and her exposed arms, She was strolling slowly towards the East Door to the Glade

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The cold air kissed (Y/n)'s cheeks and her exposed arms, She was strolling slowly towards the East Door to the Glade. Beside her walked Minho who was talking about the dream he had that night 

"It was so weird..." He muttered as he glanced at the female beside him "You were there as well" He said making (Y/n) raise her eyebrow "But you were taken away" 

"Taken away?" She scoffed with hands behind her back "Maybe it wasn't a dream" She stopped in front of the still-closed Door before turning to face the  Keeper "Maybe it was a memory, Maybe with time we can remember things" She shrugged with a smile 

"I don't know if I want to remember that stuff" The male admitted making (Y/n) look at him in surprise "I mean, Like you always tell us" He turned to look back at her with a smirk "Let's make new memories, Together" 

"Do I really say that line that often?" Chuckled the (H/c) with a blush as Minho continued smirking 

"Every month, Each time a new Greenie arrives it's the sentence you tell them" He smiled as he looked up at the Door "Where's Ben?" He asked suddenly while turning around "Don't tell me he's sleeping in again" He groaned 

"He's not as fit and disciplined as you, Minho" (Y/n) teased "I'm sure he'll be here before the Door opens" She assured with a soft smile "He always is" She reminded with a chuckle

"You've got to be more strict with us" Minho smiled down at her "You're spoiling us with your affection~" He pinched her cheek while imitating a baby's voice

"Fuck off—" She laughed before pushing him back "I-I mean, Shuck off" She corrected with an embarrassed blush

"You're lucky Chuck isn't here" Minho grinned "Can't have a kid be cursing next to us" 

"You're talking like a father, Since when did you become so responsible?" (Y/n) chuckled as she nudged the Runner "Well, Look who finally made it. How did you sleep?" The female waved to Ben who ran up to the two, His blond fluffy hair still messy. 

"Yeah, How did you sleep?" Minho asked as he crossed his arms and looked at the boy with a stern look before adding "Sleeping beauty"

"He isn't late" (Y/n) nudged the Keeper again 

"Relax, Shank. I'm right on time" Ben smirked "Look" He mentioned to the Door that slowly started opening up with a rumbling sound

The rining of the stone and the gust of wind that escaped the Maze hit the three straight in the face, It smelled like rotten flesh in there making (Y/n) scrunch her nose 

"Right, We're off," Minho said as he turned to look down at the female

"Be back before noon, Today a Greenie should arrive" She placed her hand on Minho's shoulder while looking at Ben "I'd like the both of you to be there for the bonfire, And not knocked out" She joked with a teasing smile

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