Chapter 5

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The music was booming as the drums echoed through (Y/n)'s ears, Her bright smile shone brighter than the fire as she danced hand in hand with a few Gladers

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The music was booming as the drums echoed through (Y/n)'s ears, Her bright smile shone brighter than the fire as she danced hand in hand with a few Gladers

Laughing echoed through everyone's ears as the kicking of sand under their feet became the entertainment of tonight, Vision blurry and mind free from worries the Gladers danced around the fire in circles or drank the moonshine that Gally poured down their throats 

standing in a circle everyone clapped their hands with the rhythm as a Glader did a back flip and another party trick, (Y/n) danced in the middle before pulling another Glader in, Frypan sang and everyone laughed.

Breathing heavily (Y/n) finally moved back and plopped down against a log not far from the crowd of Gladers that were shouting 'Glader' over and over again, The female's smile didn't flatter as she took a sip from her drink that stung her tongue in a pleasant way

"Hey..." A voice said making (Y/n) smile up at the male

"Sup, Green Bean" She teased before patting the spot next to her "Care to take a seat?" The Greenie looked at her for a moment before nodding his head and sitting down beside her to rest against the log "Wanna try?" She offered her cup of moonshine

"No, Already had a taste" The Greenie cringed as he watched (Y/n) drink the liquid with no trouble "How can you drink that stuff? It's disgusting" He chuckled making the female giggle 

"You get used to it when it's the only drink around" 

"Does everyone talk to (Y/n) when they first arrive...?" Chuck suddenly asked as he glanced up at the older boys

"It's like they gravitate toward her~" Winstone joked as he chugged down the moonshine with his cheeks flushed from the drink's effect 

"I wouldn't mind gravitating to her any day!" Frypan laughed as his words came out slurred and he was wobbling from side to side 

"The two are you already wasted, Maybe we should bring you to bed?" Newt offered as he placed his hand on both of their shoulders

"Don't be a party klunker" Winston stuck his tongue out to the Second in Comand 

"I wanna talk to (Y/n)" Chuck said as Alby stopped the kid

"Let her talk to the Greenie, She might be able to shut him up from questioning us" Alby joked with a laugh making Chuck nod while Newt snorted 

"Look, Look, She looked at us!" Frypan smiled as he saw (Y/n) glancing at him mid-talk with the Greenie "Hi! Hi (Y/n)!" He called with a wave

"Stop, You can't wave to a girl" Winston slapped Frypan's waving arm "You'll get cooties!" 

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