Chapter 16

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"Nah Fry"

Gally stormed off in anger and left the Council Hall leaving Frypan to follow him, Silence filled the air as the teens who were left were looking expectedly at (Y/n) as if she'd say something 

Letting out a sigh the (H/c) looked up at them with tired eyes "I'm going to my hut, Nobody better bother me until tomorrow morning" She warned and started walking 

"I'll walk you" Minho offered 

"Don't bother" She waved him off and opened the door to the council room 

"(Y/n)..." Minho said, His voice softer than when he offered to walk with her. Even though the female didn't turn around to look into his eyes she could imagen how he looked like a lost puppy who was being left behind

"Do whatever you want, I'm going to my hut" She said and walked out of the room but when she expected to hear the door close behind her she heard it open once again and more footsteps as Minho caught up to her "You're persistent..."

"You're acting as if you didn't know I'd follow you" Minho spoke, While he walked beside her he was looking straight forward while she was looking down at her feet

The day was exceptionally long, First Minho, Alby, And Thomas returned from the Maze then they had a meeting, After that, a girl came up, Another meeting, and now this... And the sleepless night she had before was affecting her ability to think as (Y/n) kicked the rock in her way 

"I'm sorry," Minho said making (Y/n) glance up at him with a surprised look

"Do you know what you're apologizing for...?" 

"I'm sorry for making a sexual joke about the new girl," he said, Hands resting in his pockets as he kicked a rock away from (Y/n) who didn't answer and was simply staring at him making him continue with the apology "I'm also sorry for pushing Gally"

"You basically shoved him" (Y/n) corrected with a scoff 

"You're really making it hard for me to apologize" Minho muttered as he glanced her way "But I'm really sorry, I don't want you to hate me" 

"H... Hate you?" She stopped in her tracks, The two had just passed the entrance to the forest where most of the huts were located "I could never hate you, I could hardly imagen myself hating anybody" She mumbled with a breathless chuckle

"I'd hate myself if I were you" He whispered "Not because of what happened today" He answered her questioning gaze as they continued walking under the shade of the trees "I really think you should consider making Thomas the new Keeper—"

"I won't" 

"(Y/n), You didn't even think about it" Minho argued as they stopped once again and he looked down at her "Consider it at least"

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