SoC random shit p.3

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So I just randomly thought of this because me and my friends were talking about our love languages so I decided to write down what I think the crows' would be. Since like that test thing shows you your top 3, I'll write them like that.

If anyone doesn't know what the love languages are there's gift giving, words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, and acts of service

1. Gift giving 65%
2. Acts of service 25%
3. Quality time 10%

I decided to go with these for Kaz because well the gift giving one is obvious- he literally bought Inej a ship. Acts of service because he enjoys having Inej do things for him, and he enjoys doing things for her. And lastly quality time a little bit because I feel like he enjoys just sitting in silence in her company. :)

1. Words of affirmation 45%
2. Quality time 35%
3. Physical touch 20%

Inej's were more difficult to figure out because I feel like she doesn't have one super obvious one, they're more balanced out. But I went with words of affirmation first because she appreciates it when Kaz speaks his mind and encourages her. Quality time because I feel like she's love spending time with Kaz just them, whether they're actually doing something or just silently enjoying each others company. Lastly physical touch because yes, I know she has trauma with that, but, I feel like she would really enjoy physical touch when it's wholesome, and when she knows what's about to happen. For example with Nina, when it takes her by surprise she doesn't like it but when it's expected she loves it.

1. Acts of service 50%
2. Quality time 30%
3. Physical touch 20%

So first of all I feel acts of service is really accurate because he really enjoys doing things for Wylan, like helping him run his business and helping him read. Also, he even enjoyed doing things for Kaz, that was his way of telling him that he cares, by doing whatever Kaz asked of him. Quality time is because I just feel like he and Wylan enjoy spending time together, and physical touch just because I feel they are always kinda touchy with each other.

1. Words of affirmation 55%
2. Physical touch 27%
3. Quality time 18%

This one is more simple to explain: words of affirmation because he appreciates Jesper's encouragement and words of love, physical touch because I feel like he really enjoys hugs and stuff, and quality time bc he just likes spending time with Jesper.

1. Physical touch 60%
2. Quality time 20%
3. Words of affirmation 20%

I feel like this one's obvious but physical touch because she really likes that with everyone, quality time and words of affirmation are even but they're both because she just seems like she'd really like both of those.

1. Quality time 40%
2. Acts of service 30%
3. Physical touch 30%

Matthias was harder to do because I feel like almost all of them would be his depending on the situation. That's why I made his almost even. But I picked quality time because I feel like he really enjoys just being around Nina in general. Acts of service because I feel like he'd like to do that to her to help her in any way he can, like holding her hair back as she threw up from jurda parem. Also physical tiuch because I feel like he really likes that, but only when they're in private. I like these but at the same time I feel like he could also be gift giving or words of affirmation, because he likes encouraging Nina and I feel like if he had the money he would spoil her.

Anyway, hope you agreed and liked this!! Sorry some of the explanations were long. Also, I think I'm gonna start trying to update this consistantly, like probably once a week. I'm thinking maybe every Wednesday. So let me know if you enjoyed this and please give me a follow so I can keep y'all updated easily!! Love you all x

P.S here's the link to the love language quiz if you want it

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