SoC random shit P.2

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This is so random but I need to tell this to ppl cuz I have an opinion on what I think the Crows' Hogwarts characters would be and Percy Jackson characters would be- REMEMBER THIS IS MY OPINION AND ITS OK IF U DONT AGREE I JUST NEED TO RANT ABT THIS RQ


Kaz Brekker
House: Slytherin (for his wit, cunningness, and slyness)
Fave class: defense against the dark arts and (secretly) care of magical creatures
Other: Prefect

Inej Ghafa
House: Gryffindor (for her bravery obv)
Fave class: transfiguration and history of magic
Other: is a cat animagus, also a prefect

Wylan Van Eck
House: Ravenclaw (bc he's obviously a genius)
Fave class: potions
Other: spends 24/7 at the library trying to learn to read <33

Nina Zenik
House: Hufflepuff (bc obviously she's loyal af)
Fave class: charms
Other: chaser on the quidditch team

Jesper Fahey
House: Hufflepuff (do I even need to explain this one?)
Fave class: Flying class
Other: keeper on the quidditch team

Matthias Helvar
House: Gryffindor (he's so brave <33)
Fave class: Care of Magical Creatures
Other: doesn't play it but he's secretly a MASSIVE quidditch fan


Kaz Brekker
Parent: Athena (for his persuasiveness, strategy, fighting ability, wits, etc.)
Weapon of Choice: his cane, but the crows head is imperial gold so he can kill monsters
Other: him and Nico diangelo get a long well and it's terrifying when they're together

Inej Ghafa:
Parent: Hecate (this one was so hard bro but I decided on this bc I feel like it fits her, they prefer to be out when it's dark, they're mysterious and sneaky, have a big heart, etc.)
Weapon of choice: bronze knives
Other: everyone is scared of her bc she can literally use any weapon very well

Wylan Van Eck
Parent: Apollo (don't get mad at me for not saying Athena he's a genius but his apollo traits override that, plus most of the Apollo kids are very smart too)
Weapon of choice: Explosives and bronze bow and arrow

Nina Zenik:
Parent: Aphrodite (for obv reasons but mainly bc of charmspeak and her beauty and stuff)
Weapon of choice: bronze dagger
Other: Has the ability to charmspeak

Jesper Fahey:
Parent: Hermes (theif, blah blah blah obvious reasons)
Weapon of choice: specially made pistols with bronze bullets

Matthias Helvar:
Parent: Ares (this one was hard but I went with ares bc of his great fighting skills but he's kinda reckless in a good way and he doesn't rlly strategize that much)
Weapon of choice: imperial gold sword or spear
Other: originally from New Rome but switched camps to be with Nina

No one AT ALL has to agree with any of this I just randomly thought of this and was like I need to rant abt this to someone anyway ya. Also comment if you want me to write any other things for you. For example just comment something like "Six of crows one shot where Kaz is sick" or something like that. Anyway thanks keep enjoying my stories and follow me if you want more!! :D

A Family of Crows is Called a Murder *(SOC ONESHOTS)*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora