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Matthias sits at a bar with a beer in hand, staring off into space thinking about his girlfriend. Nina and him had just had an argument because apparently he doesn't give her enough public affection. What's that supposed to mean? He can't constantly be intimate with her, he needs his space!

Kaz walks in looking even more pissed than usual. He sits down in a chair next to Matthias and orders a straight vodka.

Kaz sighs and takes a large gulp of his drink. "What's got you so worked up?" Matthias asks.

"Inej is mad at me. I don't even know why!" He scoffs.

Matthias groans in sympathy. "Nina's mad at me too. She claims I never give her enough public affection! But I can't always do that!"

Kaz shakes his head. "Inej and I have many issues, but public affection has never been one of them, for both of us aren't very keen on it. I don't know what she could be so mad for."

"Maybe she just wants to spend more time with you? You are constantly working, the only time you have for her is when she's asleep." Matthias points out.

Thinking about it, Kaz shakes his head. "Maybe, but as much as I care for her, I can't always have time for her. The Dregs are important to me, and I have to make sure they're doing well."

"Isn't Inej part of the Dregs?"

"Isn't Nina part of the Grisha?" Kaz counters.

Matthias rolls his eyes. "My point is, make time to give her affection, because one day she might seek more from someone else."

"Take your own advice, Fjerdan." Kaz sighs and places his head in his hands. "Why are women so complicated? Why cant they be as easy to please as a man if you just give him some kruge?"

"Because women seek more than riches," Matthias answers. "Well, most. Most women seek love and affection, and kindness."

"Well then I don't have much to give her." Kaz says.

"Yes... well, what do us men do in response to them? Beg for their forgiveness. Even if you don't know what you did, just apologize."

Kaz laughs. "You think I will apologize? Dirtyhands doesn't say sorry." Kaz says coldy.

Matthias just looks at him and raises his eyebrows.

Kaz sighs in defeat. "Maybe he does to his Wraith."

Suddenly Jesper sits down in the seat next to Kaz.

"What's troubling you boys?" He questions, raising an eyebrow at their miserable expressions.

"Women." They both answer simultaneously.

"Imagine." Jesper huffs and smirks.

A Family of Crows is Called a Murder *(SOC ONESHOTS)*Where stories live. Discover now