All of Us *MATURE*

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This request came from @LoveCampHalfBlood who asked me to write Kanej's first time. I'm happy to fulfill your request because I have already wanted to do a one shot like this for a while :)) but also disclaimer: I am not sexualising minors. They are both over 18 in this, and both gave consent. This is also almost 2 years into their relationship. Anyway, enjoy!!

Kaz came back to the slat very late, and exhausted. He had just finished a job that required more physical effort than he would have enjoyed, and his leg was aching beneath him.

Sweet Ghezen, it's hot in here. Kaz slowly took off his long coat, and his vest, and loosened his tie. He was left in his white button down shirt, black trousers, and loose black tie.

He walked over to his basin full of water and splashed himself in the face. The Wraith sat at his window silently, watching him.

"I know you're there, Wraith." Kaz said without looking up from his water bowl where he was washing his hands in the cold water.

Inej leapt off the windowsill without a sound. "How was your job?" She asked him, walking over to him.

"More physical than I would have hoped." She noticed the large bleeding cut on the side of his neck.

"Let me help with that." She commanded and grabbed the cloth from his hands. She pressed the cold, wet rag to his wound.

Inej had been gone for 3 weeks this time, hunting slavers in the sea. It had been almost two years since she had left to go on her first trip. Since then, they had frequent meetings like this when she was home. Both of them had been so much better at physical touch. They could now touch bare skin on bare skin without wretching, without any waves of nausea overcoming them.

Recently, when she was home, she would sleep in his bed. Sometimes fully clothed, sometimes wearing a bit less, but always cuddled up close against each other, feeling the other's warmth.

"I missed you, Inej." Kaz broke the silence between them.

Inej set the cloth down and replied, "I missed you too." She wrapped her arms around his neck, careful to avoid his cut, and played with his messy hair. In return, he wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her closer to him, taking in the beautiful girl in his arms.

She brought her lips up to his and he bent down to her, and they closed the remaining distance between them. The kiss was soft at first, gentle, and they just soaked up each other's whole being. Then, he slid his tongue into her mouth, tasting all that he can about her. She let out a soft moan at the feel of his tongue exploring, and he smirked at the sound.

They finally pulled away and realized that the air had changed around them. Inej brought her lips close to his ear and whispered.

"I want you, Kaz. All of you." She tugged at the waistband of his trousers. He smiled and said back,

"I want you too, Inej. More than you could ever know. But are we truly ready for something like that?" He knew of Inej's past now, and what had happened to her, and he didn't want her to think he was going to do something horrible to her.

"Yes, please Kaz. Can we try?" Inej looked up into his sparkling, topaz eyes.

He hesitated, then responded with a nod. "We can always stop if it becomes too much, okay?" She nodded with a smile. They had tried once before, maybe a month ago, but they had only gotten as far as undressing each other halfway, before Inej couldn't stand it anymore. The memories rushed through her head to quickly. Somewhere along their journey together, Kaz had passed Inej up in progress. But now, both were ready.

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