Boat Scene (I would come for you) but different

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Basically just if they both would've been more open to each other in this scene- smh my traumatized babies are so hopelessly bad at rizzing each other

Disclaimer: some of the words, mainly the beginning, are not mine and are directly copied from Leigh Bardugo. Credit goes to her for those lines. They are italicized.

"I didn't know if you would come."

Kaz couldn't blame Van Eck for that. Kaz had built that doubt in her with every cold word and small cruelty.

"We're your crew, Inej. We don't leave our own at the mercy of merch scum." It wasn't the answer he wanted to give. It wasn't the answer she wanted.

Kaz took a deep breath. He could do this. She needed comforting words, and he was not very good at that, as an understatement. But, he could try for her. He could break down the wall just a crack, for a second, just to see her smile again. Her beautiful, wonderful smile...

"And... and you are valuable to this team. Valuable to me. I need you, we all do. Without you..." he paused and looked at the water. "Things weren't the same."

She looked up at him. "He was going to break my legs," she said, her chin held high, the barest quaver in her voice. "Would you have come for me then, Kaz? When I couldn't scale a wall or walk a tightrope? When I wasn't the Wraith anymore?"

"I would come for you. And if I couldn't walk, I'd crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we'd fight our way out together - knives drawn, pistols blazing. Because that's what we do. We never stop fighting."

He had been as honest with her as he could, but he could tell it wasn't enough. "Inej, look at me." He said, and gently grabbed her hand in his gloved one.

"We- I care about you, whether you are the Wraith or not. Strip away all the things that make you a spider, and you still have Inej Ghafa, one of the bravest, kindest people I know. You're legs aren't what make you, you, Inej." His rasp was rough, persistent on making sure she knows her value. He looked her into her eyes, the dark brown of them more sharp than usual.

Inej took a deep, shaky breath and stroked his gloved hand with her thumb. "Why do you hide one moment, Kaz, and then show yourself another?"

He hesitated. "I don't know. I need to keep my reputation, but... I can't bear it when I hurt you." Kaz pulled his hand away and slowly took off his glove. He then pressed their palms together and intertwined their fingers, shuddering a bit at the touch, but pushing down the nausea so that he could show her Kaz Rietvield.

They both simply kept their hands this way the whole boat ride back, in complete silence, until they got to Black Veil island.

Sorry it's so short rip but hope you enjoyed!!

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