The Scroll

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Wu and Zane were about to move on to the next museum when a golden scroll caught the attention of the ladder. 

Huh, what is that? My sensors did not pick that up the first time I scanned the museum. Zane thought to himself. He slowly walked over to the shining scroll and picked it up. The title was in a foreign language that he could not understand. The language wasn't in his databases. 

Zane looked over the scroll, it was very old, it was probably a prophecy or a set of directions based on the formatting. 

Wu looked over at Zane and the scroll. 

"What are you looking at, Zane?" questioned the old man. He made his way over to the nindroid. 

"A scroll that appeared out of nowhere," Zane said as he took his eyes off the scroll to look at his sensei. "It was not here when we were searching a few minutes ago."

"Let me take a look at that," Wu said. Zane handed him the scroll. Wu looked over the handwriting. 

"This appears to be written in the language of the Oni, I am not Oni so I cannot read it," Wu said slowly. "Only Garmadon or Lloyd, since they are the only Onis left." 

"The others sent me a message saying that they found Garmadon and are at the hospital that Lloyd is at," 

"Then we should head there," Wu said wrapping up the scroll. The two walked back into the bounty in silence. Their thoughts are the same. 

What was written in that scroll?


Garmadon was explaining the story of Lloyd's Oni tantrums to the remaining Ninja, as they sat down in the waiting room, outside Lloyd's room. Nya and Kai were really shocked thinking of the damage Lloyd caused when he was Oni. Harumi on the other hand was ashamed of herself because she wanted him to embrace that destructive side back when she was betraying him. 

Wu and Zane walked in, and the Ninja greeted them. 

"So did you guys find anything," asked Jay as he sat back down. 

"Well, we found a golden scroll, but we have not read it yet," Zane explained. 

"And why is that?" question Garmadon. His hands folded Infront of him. 

"Well, the text appears to be written in an Oni language, something only you or Lloyd could read and understand," said Wu. He took the scroll from Zane's grasp and passed it to Garmadon. 

"Hmm very interesting," Garmadon said reading the paper. When he was finished he rolled it back up and placed it next to him.

The ninja's looked at Garmadon, waiting for him to tell them what he read. Garmadon didn't seem to take the hint. 

"Well????" Kai asked, getting impatient. 

"Well what?" questioned Garmadon, he was trying to test Kai's patience.

"Are you going to tell us what you read or are you going to keep that information to yourself!?" half yelled Kai. 

"Oh," was the only thing Garmadon said. Kai looked like he was going to explode. 

"Okay fine, fine! I'll tell you," Garmadon finally said. 


The note said. 

There will come a time where the chosen child will be overpowered by himself. Only in that time will the staff of Oni and Dragon be revealed. 

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