A New-Old Friend

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No one's Pov 

"Now that's it," Lloyd said as he grabbed Harumi by the hand and lead her to the training room. He shut the door behind himself and faced Harumi. Lloyd was fuming.  While on the other hand, Harumi was petrified.

'What is he going to do to me' She thought to herself. Harumi started tugging at her hair anxiously waiting for Lloyd to speak. He looked her up and down multiple times before he began. 

"You have no right to come waltzing into my life again. Just to make it worse than it already is." Lloyd started. "How could you be so cruel, Cole had nothing to do with the problems you have with me. But yet you pushed him off the bounty. Why would you do such a thing? I know you're a heartless monster, but still, you can't go taking people's lives because you're angry."

Harumi's shattered. "Stop, please, just stop," She wanted to cry, this made her remember all the times the empress and or emperor used to yell at her and call her names for doing the smallest things wrong. Like wearing the color purple on a day she was supposed to wear blue. 

"No, I won't stop until you realize what a huge mistake you just made. Once this whole Oni taking over the world thing is done," Lloyd said. Moving his hands around to emphasize his words. "You're going straight to Kryptarium to pay your time, after all the trouble you've caused me, the ninja, and the whole Ninjago."


 While Lloyd rambled on and on about how Harumi was going to get punished Harumi was just staring at Lloyd and how adorable he looked. Harumi was never the one to admire someone's features. She only ever cared about a person's goals and what motivated them to keep going. 

Harumi never noticed Lloyd's dimples that showed up every time he spoke.  Or the way he moves his arms around while explaining things. Harumi looked at Lloyd in awe. He was so perfect while Harumi on the other hand was. Harumi. She would never get to be with him no matter how hard she tried. Harumi felt something she had never felt before. 


She regretted the fact that she threw away all her chances of having a future with this amazing adorable cinnamon roll of a person. She regretted the fact that she even tried to hurt this person. To make them feel hopeless and lost just like she had felt. Harumi was deeply pained when her parents died, and she regretted pinning every bad thing that happened in her life on Lloyd. She regretted the fact that she never apologized even after all the times that Lloyd tried to make her see the light in her darkness. 

But no, Harumi's hatred and sadness clouded her better judgement and she had become a monster. She then realized that she deserved every bad name that people would call her. Every bad thing that will happen to her in the future. Whether its kryptarium for life or being publicly shamed every place she went. 

She regretted the fact she made one of the most loving trusting people in the world. Not like her. Uncomfortable when their around her. She realized if she ever wanted this soul aching emotion to go away, she had to do the one thing she's never even dreamed of doing. 

Admit that she was wrong. 


"Lloyd just pause for a second, okay," Harumi said lifting her hands in front of Lloyd. 

Lloyd paused and looked at her. She wasn't sure what he was feeling. that was knew to her. She could read Lloyd like a book. He had very dramatic facial expressions. But she couldn't tell whether this was a look of annoyance, confusion, or anticipation. When she couldn't figure it out she decided to start her heart felt speech.

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