4. attention

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You're only looking for attention
You only notice it 'cause I'm never around
You're only looking for attention, oh, oh
You're only looking for attention
The only problem is you'll never get enough
You're only looking for attention, oh, oh
What do you expect now?
Only thing left is the sex now

— attention by the weeknd

[few weeks later]

finney can't stop thinking about him. he hasn't seen robin for a while now yet he's all could he could think about.

"can you snap the fuck out of it" billy huffed annoyed. it was lunch time and finney keeps zoning out, his best friends were catching on to him very quickly.

finney rolled his eyes, "well can you make robin appear for me with a snap of your fingers; i don't think so."

"you really want him to eat your face off. why don't you just go to the woods?" griffin shrugged.

finney turns his whole body to look at him, "because i don't wanna fucking die griffin. what if a different—" he looks around before whispering,

"what if a different fucking vampire finds me and actually kills me" finney whispered aggressively.

"then robin will eat that vampires face off for killing you" griffin said duh tone. billy looks at griffin confused, "wouldn't that make him a cannibal?"

finney groans, "can we stop talking about eating faces! i'm being serious, like what do i have to do to make him come to me because clearly avoiding him isn't working anymore."

"if you want his attention i would suggest—"

"i heard something about eating faces and i wanted to join the conversation" moose says in an amused tone as he joins the trio at the lunch table.

it was like a light bulb lit up in finney's head. memories of his last encounter with robin made him come up with an idea.

billy's voice breaks finney out of his thoughts, "oh yay moose is here" he says sarcastically.

"don't act so excited to see me" moose said in fake shock.

moose turns to look at finney, who's just staring at him. "are you okay finney?" moose asked kind of scared.

moose moves over slightly and finney gasp, "why are you moving away from me"

"i'm extremely confused" moose says to griffin and billy who also looked concerned.

"so are we" griffin and billy say at the same time.

"well i have to... i'm leaving now" moose gets up quickly and exits the cafeteria.

finney looks back at griffin and billy who were still holding the same confused expression.

"i'm sorry, but what the fuck was that just now" griffin asked in shock.

"i have an idea. the last time i saw robin he had his panties in a bunch because he thought that moose and i had something going on. so if i act like we do, he might come back" finney smiles and

"and you didn't think about how moose would react to this?" billy asked.

"all of that was an act, well all know that he's obsessed with me" finney rolls his eyes and stood up to go find where moose ran off too.

finney continued to harass moose the whole day with dreamy eyes, touching his arm even though moose would pull away several times.

fangs; rinney AUWhere stories live. Discover now