1. six feet under

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Six feet under, six
Six feet under (that fuckin' paper)
Six feet under, six
Six feet under (get that fuckin' paper)
Six feet under she gon' kill me for that paper
Not the type to fuck around, go and turn that ass around.

- six feet under by the weeknd


"Scream or Halloween, it's a very simple question." Griffin asked while holding both movie dvd's in his hand.

"Scream for sure." Finney replied while texting Billy, making sure that he's on his way.

"Correct answer Finney Blake." Griffin turns around and puts the dvd inside the dvd player.

Just in time, Billy bust through the door with bags in his hand. "The king is here." he sang while throwing the paper bags full of stuff on Griffin's bed.

"you're just in time." Griffin clapped as the movie started and he went to turn off the lights.

almost two hours later the movie finished.

"that movie will never get old." Finney says and the other two boys nodded their heads agreeing

"Holy shit want to know what we should do!" Billy yelled out loud. "listen to Ariana grande?" Griffin guessed.

Billy rolls his eyes, "no, we need to go outside." Finney looks at him like he's crazy, "absolutely not."

Billy groans, "why are you guys so scary." Griffin chimes in, "we're not scary, we just don't want our parents to kill us."

"and we also don't want to be that person who dies because they wanted to go on a scary adventure." Finney adds and gets up from the bed.

"guys we aren't living in twilight or some kind of crazy universe where there's monsters and shit." Billy reminds.

"Yeah, we just live in a world where there's pedophiles and murders, no big deal." Finney said sarcastically.

"Okay maybe Billy's right, we should have some kind of fun." Griffin nodded his head. Finney rolls his eyes and Griffin continues, "I actually have the perfect thing to help us get started."

Griffin gets up from the bed and walks over to his closet. Finney and Billy watched him as he rummaged through some of his things to find a box.

Griffin brings the box over to the bed, he places it down and opens it to reveal some liquor. "my aunt got me this for my birthday, she said that i'll be eighteen next year so it's no big deal." he shrugs.

Finney looked at the bottle and swallowed the lump that was in his throat. liquor always scared him because his father was addicted to it. what feared him even more was that if he tried it he would become addicted to it like his father is.

he did want to ruin the fun though, so he acted unphased. "So who's going first?" Finney looked at Griffin and Billy.

Griffin smirked, "I vote finney." Griffin passed the bottle to Finney.

Finney knew that if he thought about it, he wouldn't do it. so he didn't think at all, he grabbed the bottle and took a sip. He tries to ignore the burning of his chest. "two." Griffin said while tilting his head with a daring look.

Finney looks at Griffin while taking another sip without any reaction.

"who's next."


after a while, everyone was drunk.

"wait I'm scared!" Griffin shrieked while Billy was shaking him roughly. "come on we have to go on our adventure!" Finney slurred.

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