2. sidewalks

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They don't let me down
But they lead me on
And they don't let me down
But they lead me on
And they lead me on
Say, say say
I come from murder one, brung late night melee
Say, say, say
We hung all summer, sprung mattress with bae bae

— sidewalks by the weeknd

"well nothing really happened yesterday right." griffin asked.

it was the next day and the boys were sitting in billy's room, passing around a vape.

"yeah we should go back." billy suggested.

finney hasn't mentioned his encounter with robin to griffin and billy. he knew that they wouldn't believe him.

he couldn't get robin out of his head. he's never seen anyone like him before, well obviously, but the way he looks really took finney's breath away. his dark red eyes were scary, yet interesting to look at.

"woah finland you zoning out over there." billy teased him with the nickname.

finney rolled his eyes, "shut up." he huffed and sat up on the bed.

"what did you think of the carnival yesterday." billy asked.

griffin adds, "yeah you seemed spooked when i found you."

"yeah because you popped out of nowhere like a crazy person." finney defended.

"or did something else pop out of nowhere." billy hinted while passing the vape to griffin.

finney tensed up for a seconds and his friends noticed.

"oh shit is there something finney isn't telling us." griffin gasped.

finney goes to lay on his stomach.

"you guys aren't going to believe me but i'm going to say it anyways. basically... i saw a vampire and his name is robin and he was really, and i mean really hot." finney said bluntly and he just got blank stares in return.

billy tries to hold back a laugh but a little giggle comes out anyways.

"i'm being serious." finney said annoyed.

"i have a lot of concerns." griffin starts after moments of silence. "me too." billy agreed.

"so you guys didn't see a vampire when we were at the carnival?" finney asked.

griffin and billy look at him weirdly.

"no? just me alright. that definitely makes me feel less insane, thank you guys." finney says sarcastically.

"i mean we were drunk." griffin and billy said at the same time.

"i know what the fuck i saw! i'm not crazy." finney screeched.

billy laughed, "yesterday i told you that we aren't living in some kind of universe with monsters."

"okay well that was before i fucking saw one. and he said that he used to see us all the time when the carnival was open." finney informed.

griffin choked, "okay not only did you say that he's a vampire, but he's a fucking stalker too!"

"let me go grab the garlic." billy slightly joked but got up from the bed to be dramatic.

"but that's just a myth right?" finney asked, referring to vampires not liking garlic.

"were about to find out!" billy sang while turning to the door.

fangs; rinney AUWhere stories live. Discover now