Fatal Containment - Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

The small service tunnel twisted and curved as Cheryl and Tyrell made their way in near-total darkness. After fruitlessly feeling along the walls and using their radios as a weak lighting source, Tyrell stumbled onto a small table with tools and, among them, a couple of lanterns. With proper lighting, they began to make better progress through the tunnel.

Cheryl was afraid they would get lost in the labyrinthine corridors, but up ahead in the distance, there was a flickering panel that they were able to coax into a map of the installation. Memorizing what they could, they continued moving forward. Cheryl's brain was in overdrive as she fought herself over what would happen once they reached the ship. She chided herself. If we reach the ship.

After what seemed to be hours, they found a dogged hatch that opened to the landing field where they made their way quickly to the small shuttle craft. Tyrell was limping, but Cheryl supported him as they moved.

As they reached the shuttle, Cheryl quickly punched in the access code on the exterior panel. The door hissed open, and they climbed inside. Discarding the gloves and mask, Cheryl moved to the cockpit and began the pre-flight checks while Tyrell strapped himself into one of the passenger seats.

Just as Cheryl was about to initiate the launch sequence, control panels began to flash an angry red warning: "Launch sequence aborted. Security override in effect."

Cheryl cursed under her breath. "Cantrell," she muttered.

Just then, the shuttle door opened, and Captain Owen Cantrell stepped inside. He held a command tablet in his hand, a smug smile on his face. "Going somewhere, Lieutenant?" he asked.

Before Cheryl could respond, another figure appeared in the shuttle doorway. It was Connor, his face set in a grim expression. He was clutching his side, blood seeping through his fingers.

"Captain," he said, his voice strained. "You need to let them go."

Cantrell turned to face him, his smile fading. "You're supposed to be under arrest, Commander."

Connor knew that officers failing to obey lawful orders issued by their commanding officer risk serious consequences. His mind instantly recalled Article 117 of the Uniform Code of Imperial Military Justice, which specifically outlines the crime of willful disobedience by a superior commissioned officer. Article 117a conveyed, without ambiguity, what constitutes the crime of willful disobedience of any lawful order.

But the military code only requires the obedience of LAWFUL orders. Not only should an unlawful order not be obeyed, but obeying such an order can result in even greater damage to the service. Military courts have long held that military members are accountable for their actions even while choosing to follow the orders they knew were wrong.

Connor took a step forward, wincing as he did so. "Because it's the right thing to do, captain. This won't bring your wife back."

Cantrell's face hardened. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"I think I do, sir," Connor said. "You've let your grief and your anger cloud your judgment. You've lost sight of what it means to be a leader, to be the captain of a starship. A true leader that we all look up to."

With that, Connor knew he had only one play in his weakened state. He lunged at Cantrell, knocking the command tablet from his hand. As the tablet skittered across the shuttle deck, the two men grappled, but Connor just concentrated on keeping his hold on Cantrell. Cheryl jumped from the pilot's seat and grabbed the tablet, releasing the security override.

As Tyrell and Connor working together managed to pull Owen from the shuttle, Tyrell closed and sealed the shuttle doors once more.

Cheryl quickly punched in a series of commands, and the warning on the control panel disappeared.

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