Chapter 9(1): Ning Choi-san and Nip Siu-sin

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- I'll go to hell and back, even if you won't be mine -

Third showed up at campus again. He began to worry about failing some classes. Bracing himself from meeting Khai, but miserable is all he is. He took a detour to the lecture hall, avoiding the routes Khai frequents. Dumb, yes, but he's not ready for awkward small talks this early in the morning. Or worse, getting ignored. Because Third knows he would ignore the guy he'd turned down.

...Maybe he was overreacting? Khai didn't turn him down. At least not directly.

Third chose to trust his intrusive thoughts more. Always the wrong decision. He never seems to learn.

His tracks came to a halt upon a sight of someone. A tall girl. Probably as tall as him (if not more). Long, signature curly hair. Fahsai.

Immediately, Third turned in the opposite direction. Yet the girl seemed to notice, following behind. Why?? He paced up, which only alarmed her.


Ah, shit.

He could play deaf, he could keep walking, but Fahsai and her slim and long legs caught up between his hesitation. "P'Third, right?"

"Yes?" he answered, hoping he sounded normal.

She stared with little frown. "Have you seen P'Khai?"

Of fucking course. Because why else would Khai's girl talk to him?



Third shook his head, as nonchalantly as possible. She pursed her lips. It was nerve-wracking for god knows why!

"Do you know how he's doing lately?"

"No," repeated Third. "I haven't seen him for a while, actually."


"No reason."

Because you're the biggest fucking reason! But Third is not that petty to say it out loud. He senses malice from Fahsai, alright, but he can't really blame her. Third would too in her place.

"But... aren't you best friends?" Fahsai said. "Why don't you see him?"

Okay, now she's pissing him off a bit. "Look, it's none of your business, Nong." Fahsai was stunned, might felt humiliated. And since Third doesn't want her to start throwing hands, he walks away. "If there's nothing else, excuse me."

"Wait, P'Third!"

Third internally groaned. "What again?"

"Can I talk with you for a second?"

Oh, no. Third doesn't watch all that teen dramas for nothing. He knows what's coming for him. This is that scene where the mean girl bullies the protagonist for getting too close with her boyfriend. Except Third isn't the protagonist. He is... just a friend. Just a normal friend to the boyfriend. Nothing more.

"Sorry, I'm heading to class."

In fear of himself hitting a girl, he fled, but Fahsai caught him. "Just a second, P'!" he felt delicate fingers on his arm. "I won't be long, I promise!"


"Just 10 minutes! No, 5 is enough!"

Third was being dragged back. The unbelievable strength she has! "What the hell?? Let go of me, Nong!"

"No, you'll run!"

"Who will not??"

"Please, P'! I really need to talk to you!"

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