Chapter 3: Bryce Loski and Juli Baker

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- I should hate you but I saw another side of you -

The mall was almost closed. Third entered the only shop with lights on on the second floor. His mother's beauty clinic. Night time there was pretty eerie. In the dim lighting, a figure sitting with his mom almost gave him a heart attack.

A tall woman's back faced him. Sitting straight, clad in black, pointy shoulders blazer. Her smooth, dark hair tied in a low ponytail.

"Hello, N'Third," she turned, big white earrings swaying gently with. Her smile brief but gripping.

He wai-ed, returning the smile.

Kaew asked him to sit with them. "I heard that you're picking up Toon. So I stayed behind to meet you. Do you have some time to chat with Aunty?"

The request was impossible to reject. Kaew knows that. Third had no preparation, nowhere to escape. "Aunty's son may not be the sweetest or the wisest, but he's gentle and loyal. He's also straightforward, optimistic, a bit assertive when provoked, but that's a good thing, no?"

Third's infamous poker face was useful for once. He'd hoped it showed disinterest to this woman, but that's where he's wrong. Aunt Kaew doesn't care.

"Khunpol is one of his kind, Luuk. I assure you that he'd bring smile to your face if you give him a chance. But," she laughed softly - which sounds forced. "Let Aunty warn you of that mouth. It's smooth as butter. He might sweep you off your feet."


...Third's relieved to know he won't. Especially not when those so-called smooth lips stretched into a wide grin, sweet talking his girl in front of him.

Dear Mae, you should prepare a speech with Aunt Kaew.

Khai was unbelievable. He had been so persistent about this meeting just two days ago. Then there he was. On top of being late, he'd spent nearly 15 minutes on his phone while Third starved. How does such a well-mannered lady like Kaew produce a douchebag of a son like this?

One of his kind, indeed. Khai is a piece of work.

Third stared long and hard. Normal people would feel the prickling glare already and cut the call in hurry. But obviously, Khai has skin as thick as brick. He huffed, reaching out to the book he set aside. Before he even get to the next passage, Khai suddenly fretted.

"Phi gotta run now. My dad's calling. See you later, naa?" He abruptly put down the phone. Third's guessing the girl didn't even get to say goodbye.

"Dad, huh?" snorted him.

"Shut it! Fahsai won't like it if I tell her about you."

Fahsai. Third started to find that word annoying. But Khai didn't have to know. He tried to ignore him and focus on the Garamond-font sentence. He tried.



"You... Did you go to class today?"

"Yes, so what?"

"I didn't."

The nerve he had to sound so proud. "And?" Third didn't look up from his book. Had no idea what Khai's up to or what prompted him to annoy Third.

"Bone skipped too. That left only the two of us without friends for the group project."


"Can we join yours?"

"Huh?" That successfully earned Third's attention now. "Why?"

"You're only with Two, right? The professor said we can team up to five people."

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