Chapter 4: Jo Jo and Wah Dee

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- Is the world going to end because I fall? -

One week into forming a friendship with Bone and Khai, two of the most well-known campus playboys, had raised fame for their little friend group.

Two weeks into it, people started staring and taking pictures and giggled among themselves when they passed by.

After they posted an abundant amount of stories of their mini road trip by the third, Bone said they'd earn a fanclub.

Two's past amount of fooling around could rival theirs and although seemingly out of place, people still find a common ground to connect Third with the tree. They call them the heartbreakers - Savage Gang.

He's skeptical about the name but the rest love it. As though it's made just for them. Third gave up and hoped it'll grow on him - or not. At least the member itself had steadily grown on him. Including Khai.

Third sighed, flipping through the menu aimlessly. It's the third dinner date. He's calling it off after this. That's the supposed plan. But now he's conflicted.

Does he feel unpleasant? Hard to say. Khai is a not-bad friend. Not bad being the literal mood-maker in charge of all the fun and corny lines like "We'll be friends forever!"

Okay, he likes Khai. As a friend! That's what makes this hard. Because Khai was deliberately using him to please his mom so he could date another girl in peace. Third wanted no part in that nonsensical charade. But now that they're friends (sorta) he didn't want to end it in bad terms.

What if Khai started whining and pleading him to stay? He might just be convinced. Third has huge soft spot for his loved ones.

The waiter approached him and Third listed the order for two. The food would be served just in time as Khai arrived. The guy has peculiar habits. One of them is that he absolutely has to eat on time. Once, they're all gathered at the cafeteria, Khai stole Two's plate of rice with stir-fry chicken basil (he hates basil) when his mental clock hits 12. They threw curses at each other and warred the whole day. Since then Third ordered for him beforehand to avoid such commotion.

Also claimed it doesn't make him all giddy when Khai thanked him and said, "You're the best, Third!"

"What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing!" Third jumped, almost hitting the pretty face appearing in front of him "Fuck off, Ai'Khai!"

Khai's mouth formed 'o' as he stepped away. "How fierce," snickered him.

"Shut up, don't scare me like that!"

"Hey, I called you." Khai objected, taking his seat. "But you're spacing out. Thinking about who?"

"None of your business."

There's a short pause before Khai asked with raised brows. "Wait, really?"


"Do you... Do you have a...?"

"Boyfriend? No, I don't."

"Oh, boyfriend..."

Third waited because it's usually like this. Conversation with straight people like Khai. But he ran out of patience soon. "Before you ask, yes, I am gay."

Khai was speechless, lips slightly parted and words hung there.

"Why are you baffled? Didn't you know already? That's why we are, you know, got into this?"

"No, I mean..." Khai trailed off nervously. Nervous. Third might be phrasing it wrong if he didn't see it himself. Because Khai Khunpol had never been nervous as far as he knew. "Never thought you're still single."

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