For Her

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I had a sore jaw, but the plan was in my head. When trying to do it, he kicked me in the side preventing me from carrying it out. Now he was on the ground screaming in pain and listening to people laugh.

"What can a simple normie do against a werewolf?" I heard him say, "you're just pathetic and weak."

He kicked me again but lightly, then stomped on my chest.

"You come to school, you try to get along with everyone as if you were one of the'll never be one of the others!" He made a force and I felt as if a ton were pressing down on me."I...I love Enid." I spat blood from the pain.—On top of that, you want to be with my little sister, I think she deserves better than you. I'm going to enjoy this." He stopped straining and bent down to take me by the collar of my shirt.

I saw him raise his fist in the air, ready to hit me when I was able to find what I was looking for in my pocket and put it in my mouth, a dog whistle. I blew as hard as my strength allowed me. He immediately released me as he howled in pain and covered his ears.Thinking of Enid, I got to my feet and punched him, although they weren't that hard, they knocked him to the ground. I kept using the whistle as I hit him on the ground. I felt burning throughout my body and now in my knuckles. But remembering the beating, Enid's embarrassment, and her tears, I began to gain strength. It was as if the adrenaline invaded my body.

The young man was now bleeding from his mouth and nose. I hit with both hands, first one and then the other. His face was beginning to bathe in blood when I noticed arms behind me that pushed me away, it was the referee who said something but I only managed to hear the following; You win the match. I stopped blowing when I saw Enid and her family along with the rest of the pack wince at the sound.

"I've done it," I thought.

Now all the pain in my body came to me at once. I felt dizzy, but seeing my hands soaked in the blood of Enid's brother and his red face, being treated and seeing his mother approach with the rest of the brothers shouting something that I did not hear, I felt afraid for what had happened. made. I immediately ran to my room. No matter the pain, I had to get away from there without listening to the people in the audience.

As soon as I got to the bedroom, I went to the bathroom and vomited. I spent at least ten minutes vomiting, retching and chest pain. Tears streamed down my cheeks, blood from my knuckles stained the toilet seat, and the smell of it all made me dizzy.

"Yu..." I heard a voice behind me. It was Enid.

Turning around, I saw her standing there with her hands together.

"Enid...I...I'm sorry for what I've done to your brother...I...I...""He'll be fine, werewolves regenerate very quickly and although he looked bad in a few hours he'll be the same as before" she said to my relief, but even so, the image of him wounded wouldn't go away."Enid." I fell to my knees and she caught me."Tn... that's it... it's all over" she told me, trying to calm me down."I don't feel... well." I felt my vision blur and I gradually lost consciousness.

I woke up in the infirmary the next day.

"Wednesday?" I asked when I saw her nearby in a chair reading."Finally you're back, you've slept for a whole day," she answered, looking up from her book.-What are you doing here?"I owed Enid a favor and I stayed in case you woke up. Now, my work here is finished" she answered as she collected her things "congratulations on the victory." Now you can be with Enid—I thought I saw her smile—I'm going to call her.-Thanks for the help—I didn't do it for you, but for her and her happiness."Wednesday Addams worried about someone's happiness?""Say something and I'll kill."

She left but after a few minutes she heard that she opened the door. It was Enid, I smiled but she left when I saw her enter with the rest of her siblings and her parents.

Her Smile-Enid Sinclair x TnWhere stories live. Discover now