Chapter 5

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When I eventually fell asleep I dreamed of a man.

He had short brown hair, wavy like my own silvery hair, and blue eyes. His eyes confused me. They were the exact shade of blue that Jason's were - startlingly electric blue. The man was sitting on a sofa in a house and reading a book.

Someone knocked on the door. The man clearly hadn't been expecting visitors. He started and put his book down, heading towards the door. When he opened it, it looked like there was nobody there. Until he looked down.

There was a tiny baby sleeping in a basket sitting on the doorstep, with a letter nestled in her blankets. She had a shock of silver-blonde hair and silvery blue eyes.

I gasped quietly. It was me, as a baby. Which meant this man was probably my father. I seemed to be learning an awful lot about my biological parents today. My family was not great, I didn't need more parents to not care about where I was going and what I was doing.

He gasped too, and picked up the basket, taking me inside. He put me down on the sofa beside him and opened the letter, reading it aloud. It was pretty much just my mother explaining that I was his child. ".... I'd assume you've figured out who I am by now Alexander. All my love, Luna"

He looked over at me. "But that means ...." He started. "That means, she's still ...." He couldn't quite put together a full sentence, instead he opted for stuttering and incomplete sentences. My father (It feels weird saying that) turned and looked at baby me. "I'm sorry, child, no one deserves a hero's fate, it's a difficult and painful path. I would never in a million years give you such a fate."

I realised he knew about the godly world. Maybe he was a demigod too. "I hope you don't have to face any of the same troubles I have, that would be a tragedy. Maybe one day you'll end up here, at camp."

He stilled in thought. Then seemed to come to a conclusion. "I'll send her to New York, with William. My cousins should be able to keep her away from this life, for now, anyway."

He's the reason I grew up with the Dare's, and they're my cousins?


I woke up to someone knocking on my door.

The room I was in was light from the sun outside. I'd forgotten to close the curtains. There was a bed, a dresser and a side table in the spare bedroom. They were all a honey brown colour. Whoever was at the door cracked it open a little.

It was Annabeth. "Hey, Neo," She said softly. "You up yet?"

I sat up and rubbed at my eyes. "Barely."

"You'll need to leave ASAP. When you're dressed I can help you pack some essentials." She said and entered the room fully. "Call me back when you're ready. I'll be downstairs."

I nodded slowly, "Ok I'll be down soon."

I liked Annabeth. She was cool. Maybe we could be friends, not that I know how to do that.

She left the room and then headed to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. While I was in the bathroom I checked my wound. It seemed to be healing well considering I'd only got it the day before. I got slowly dressed into a grey t shirt with Mickey Mouse on it which I'd found in the dresser, some jeans, Kayla's jacket from yesterday and some white trainers that wouldn't stay that way for long. It was hardly my normal style, but I didn't exactly have many options. I'd have to stay bland until I could get more clothes.

I then brushed and braided my hair. When I was finally finished I headed down and found Annabeth in the living room, sitting on the sofa, daydreaming.

"Hey Annabeth."

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