23. i watch the moon

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THEY KEEP PUTTING THEMSELVES in this position. Going days without talking, the other yearning for an explanation but is too scared to hear it.

   The Pogues have to feel the tension in the air until one of the girl's decides to leave.

   The day after was the worst. Gray is pretty sure Sarah and Ember's yelling and tears shook the house.

     Ember begged Sarah to listen to her, both throwing out excuses for each point the other brought up.

Eevee hasn't shown her face at The Chateau since that night. The Pogues can't tell if they're annoyed with her. Gray certainly can't say much about the situation considering he's harboring his own guilt.

     Three weeks till graduation and all those dreams Ember had about her and Sarah dating while attending Chapel Hill have seemingly fallen through her hands.

   More confusing part is: There isn't an official breakup. 

So while Ember and her family are fighting the Alastair's, her mind wanders, screaming at herself to her stupid fucking mistake, wondering if she has a girlfriend. If she'll ever have a girlfriend again because she sure as hell doesn't want anyone else except Sarah Cameron.

      Grace and the rest of the Elliot's are no longer suspects in Darcy's murder. At least that's been cleared. Ember keeps insisting, everything in her gut telling her that the Alastair's killed their own. And Ember tells Peterkin that. She tells the lawyer that.

   But with no evidence, what the fuck can they do?

So instead, the whole Elliot family, including Ember, have a restraining order against them.

Emberlei sits in her old room at Ed's place, trying her best to relax on the couch under the large window. Instead of a battlefield, the home has become—home—again. Even Elsa has made herself comfortable. The kitten is a circle, content while her mother is carrying a weight on her chest.

She did this, she's aware and Ember would love to blame someone else but it's all her. Eevee had no loyalty to anyone at that point except JJ. But, Ember was hurt. She thought Sarah would never ask her out, she'd never get her shit together and she wanted to feel something.

She's sure as hell feeling something right now as her eyes watch her phone vibrate. The Pogues group chat is going off, more than likely trying to make plans for the night.

Ember decides the couch isn't working out and she flops herself onto her bed, letting out a string of groans into her pillow. Elsa meows, nudging her head. "Elsa, what are we gonna do?" Ember pouts. If Ember says she's going, Sarah won't.

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