17. it's okay to fall

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EVEN THOUGH EMBERLEI PREFERS her mom's side of the family—she almost never sees them. She sees Ace's parents more than her own biological grandparents. But, her grandparents, just like her mom, are always busy with work.

Kook lifestyle doesn't build itself!

  There is one person that Ember really wishes lived on the island. It would make her life so much better.

  Her Aunt Lucie. Her mom's wild, rich, younger sister. Lucie was the trouble maker as kids. Grace always says the only reason Lucie isn't in jail is because they're rich and privileged.

   Lucie Hyun made a clean slate after getting caught stealing money from her old entertainment company. You'd never be able to find her crimes. That's how she works for a new entertainment company. They're oblivious.

    So, when Ember gets a call Monday after school that her parents and Olive are on the way back with her Aunt Lucie—Sarah swears it's the fastest she's ever seen her leave the bed.

   "Aunt Lucie hates the island! It's like, a miracle she's stepping a foot here," Emberlei smiles brightly. Gray and Sarah share a look. Something in both their heads is telling them this isn't just to see her niece, it has to do with the Alastairs.

  Her ex criminal aunt coming to the place she hates right in the wake of that Alastairs? Not a coincidence.

But, Sarah is letting her have her smiles. Her parents are coming back. Olive is coming back. Emberlei should be happy. She doesn't wanna ruin that with her own conspiracy theory.

    The sound of her parent's car revving in the driveway catches all of their attention. "Oh—yay," Gray fakes excitement, throwing his hands up slowly. Ember scoffs, moving his hands to his sides. Sarah peeks through the window. Her parents are grabbing the luggage out of the Cadillac Escalade.

"We should go help them," Sarah says, already opening the door. Truthfully, it's because she wants to impress Ace and Grace. Do they know they're dating? No. Sarah doesn't know when they will or if they'll just figure it out on their own.

   "Sarah—" Ember starts but her parents spot the two. "Ember!" Olive exclaims, rushing towards her older sister. "Hey," Ember chuckles, bending down to give the redhead a hug, "How was vacation?"

   "It was fine but mom said something bad happened. You alright?" Olive asks. Ember smiles, wondering why the hell her mom would mention anything from Friday night. "I'm fine," She replies.

   "Oh. There's the little shit," Gray says as he picks up Olive, spinning her around. "Oh my God—Gray. Let's not call your sister a little shit," Ace scoffs, landing a kiss in Ember and Gray's temple as he brings luggage in, "Hi, Sarah!"

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