21. shit!

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THE RING SPINS AROUND Emberlei's finger. Her pointer finger plays with it, feeling the initials of her dad under the pad of her finger.

   Prom night is a blur. For the past 3 hours since Sarah left she's been piecing things together. It's flashes of her assault. The pain of her head rings through her everytime the part where her head hits the Twinkie comes back to her.

   "Emberlei," Peterkin's voice rips through her focus. "Huh?" She hums, making eye contact with the sheriff. Peterkin sighs, feeling bad for the girl. She stands up and comes over the desk, taking the seat next to Ember. "Emberlei, thank you for giving all you could. I'm sorry but you know this is just the procedure," Peterkin sincerely says.

    Em's nails dig into the wooden arms of the chair, "I know."

   "And I don't think you did it. You quite literally have an alibi."

"But you think my parents did it," Emberlei glares up at the woman. She doesn't mean the harsh look, Peterkin has been nothing but nice to her family but it still locks onto her. Peterkin leans back in her chair, "I never said that. It's just procedure, Ember—"

   "The Alastair's did it. You know. I know it. My mom nor Ace would ever kill someone, Peterkin," Ember leans forwards, fists clenched as her anxiety gets the better of her. Peterkin wants to say she does know it, at least her gut knows it but she can't. She can't give Emberlei many details. "We're gonna have a police officer on standby at your home and at your dad's house," Peterkin explains, "I want the best for you and your family."

  Ember scoffs, the angsty teen she's never really been suddenly coming out. "Can I go? My head hurts from it getting slammed into a van," Emberlei bitterly snaps. Peterkin just nods and Emberlei stands up all too quickly. The fast motion makes her suddenly nauseous but she hides it, taking a deep breath and leaves Peterkin's office. As she walks around the station, the officers are all looking at her. She can feel it like a million spiders and their eight eyes lingering on her. It makes Em's skin crawl.

    "What'd they say?" Grace asks.

   "Just asked me a million questions I can't answer because my face is bruised and head is bashed in," Ember points at the bruise across her face. Grace pouts, reaching for her daughter's face. She winces when Grace gently slides a finger across it. "The lawyer is coming here tomorrow. We're gonna get this sorted, hun," Ace coos, resting a hand on his daughter's shoulder. Emberlei takes a deep breath but manages a smile for the both of them as they embrace her.

  Her face is buried in her mom's shoulder and the smile drops. If they won't talk to the Alastair's, she will.


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