14. jealousy, jealousy

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   ONE WEEK. ONE WEEK has passed since Sarah and Emberlei have said a proper word to each other. The Pogues have tried to ignore the tension, it gets easier once they're smoking but when the two girls who were once all over each other don't even look at each other, it's a heavy feeling.

So many words to be said yet neither girl can say them. Sarah is scared, Ember just doesn't want to experience that heartbreak again. It's easier to push each other away, right? It's easier to sneak glances when the other isn't looking instead of just saying—I'm sorry, this is how I feel.

Besides that, Aunt Darcy relayed some information.

The Alastair's have been stalking Emberlei since her birthday. She isn't too surprised but at the same time, it's concerning. Every moment? Including when she was alone at her dad's house? Why haven't they attacked yet? That's also concerning because it could mean they're just thinking of deadly and bigger things to do to Emberlei.

So, because of this information there's always someone with Emberlei when she's not at home or school. Except Sarah. She didn't even volunteer herself for guard duty because she's pretty sure Ember would lose her shit a bit and just let the Alastair's take her to avoid awkwardness.

It sucks because all Emberlei wants to be sometimes is alone. Especially after she sees something that reminds her of Sarah or the ghost of a touch where the blonde once laid fingers—or in her. It all leads back to Sarah. That's what happens when you've known someone for 13 years.

Currently, she's scarfing down Heyward's food. Her parents needed to go to the Mainland for a few days for legal stuff. Ember can only assume it has to do with her or the restaurant being burned and the ongoing lawsuit for that. They took Olive so she doesn't have to worry about babysitting a human, only Elsa.

Heyward had invited her and Grayson over for dinner and how could they ever deny the Heyward family food?

"Gray, did you study for the English test?" Pope asks, shoveling corn into his mouth. Ember looks over and the wide eyed expression on his face tells them both he did not.

"You jackass," Ember shakes her head. "It's English, alright? It can't be that hard. I just gotta reread the book," Gray shoos them off. "Reread 40 chapters by tomorrow? You realize tomorrow is Friday?" Pope deadpans.

Gray shoves his shrimp away, "Suddenly I'm stressed and not hungry."

Each of their phones bing with a text from the group chat.

"Robots. They all just looked at the same time!" Heyward scoffs, walking away from the teens.

'Come down to the Chateau. Got someone for you guys to meet!:))' JJ text reads.

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