5. so, you chose your fate.

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  THE PAST TWO DAYS have mixed together like mush for Ember. She feels like she's become one with the childhood stuffed animals around her. A hand grips a turtle to her chest. A simple pink stuffed turtle has soaked up all her tears and the seemingly fleeting memories of her childhood. Her brain has melted. Ember has determined that this is what your brain feels like after radiation poisoning.

Turns out, Peterkin killed her Uncle Paxter. His gun did go off but it had whizzed past the girls, hitting a stop sign and getting stuck in it. So, when he fired, Peterkin fired the killing shot.

Her phone vibrates for the hundredth time today. All social media was deleted on her phone. Literally all she has left is iMessage and that's on her own free will. The girl didn't want to see the sympathy messages from people she barely talks to or the harassing messages from her family.

It vibrates again on the nightstand. With a groan into the pink turtle, Ember picks up the phone.

   Thursday, April 7th.

   Three days till her birthday.

Three days till she is forced to attend a party she was once so excited for and can't cancel.

The group chat is blowing up along with separate messages from her family or the Pogues.

One text was sent out and that was yesterday in the afternoon to Kie with a thumbs up emoji. A line of text rolls down her phone when she clicks on Sarah's name. "Fuck," Ember curses. The last person she wants any contact with is Sarah. It may seem by choice but it's not. At least, Ember feels like she has no choice as her body and brain sinks further and further into a hole. She's beginning to wonder when a coked out bunny will appear like Alice and Wonderland.

There's a soft knock at her door. "Who?" Ember shouts but her voice cracks. Silence. "Who is it?!" Ember shouts louder now. "It's Olive," Her little sister says so softly that if it wasn't so quiet in her room she's sure she wouldn't have heard her. Ember runs her hands over her face. "Come in," Ember says. She feels bad for her sister. Ember hasn't seen the girl's face since she got home Tuesday. No one is giving Olive much information so she can only assume why her sister is locked in her room.

The door creaks open. "Mom said to bring you grapes," Olive places the green grapes on the nightstand, "And water."

Exhausted yet Ember finds it in herself to smile at Olive who gives one back. Olive holds her hands together, rocking back and forth, "Are you gonna eat them?"

Ember swallows her sigh, not wanting to upset Olive and grabs two grapes, popping them into her mouth. Footsteps stop at her door and both girls look to see Gray staring at them.

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