Day out

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Roe's P.o.v.

The next day Honey had promised Ariel to let her play with Usa chan if she went with him and Mori, which didn't take much. And to her delight Tamaki went to.

So it started out as a girls day, since Kai dropped in with Izzy, Ella, Renge and a kidnapped Haruhi and we all when for a spa day.

"Kai why do we have to do this?", Haruhi says as they do our toes.

"Hikaru wants me to have a "no stress wedding" so he has little surprises for me every day until the date set. Today was a spa day, so I went and got my girls and it's a good chance to get to know Oni-san's girlfriend better.", she says.

"Will you stop calling him that, your not even related?", Haruhi says.

"Not until he says I have to.", She says sticking her tongue out.

"When if Roe is bugged by it?", she argues.

"I'm not really, I think it's kind of cute. And Tamaki enjoys doting on his adopted baby sister.", I say giggling.

"So what's Ariel think of Tamaki?", Ella says.

"She actually adores him, she did pretty quick. And she eats up all the attention from him. Actually she's requested I see if he'll take the job of being her daddy, cause she wants one now.", I say with another giggle.

"Awe, that's so cute.", Kai, Ella, Renge and Izzy say in unison.

A few hours later we were done with our spa day and in a limo to our next spot.

"where are we going now?", Haruhi whines.

"Oh Hikaru and the others are meeting us at the mall, the expo's back and I missed a few so we said we'd all meet as a group here.", Kai says as we all get out of the limo.

"There's the boys.", Izzy says.

"Shh., I wanna sneak up on Hikaru.", Kai says as she does a run then jumps on the red heads back shouting "Miss me much!"

"Every second your away, how was your spa day?", he says as he shifts so she can ride piggy back.

We walk up to the group and Honey and Mori have Ariel whose dragging them to a toy shop as Tamaki spots me and runs up grabbing me and spinning me.

"My precious Rose, they didn't say you'd be here.", he says as I giggle.

"Roe don't encourage him, and Hikaru stop enabling Kai's childish behavior.", Haruhi says as I notice Kyoya sneak off while Kai whispers in Hikaru's ear making him look on in a mischievous manner.

"Well why don't we check out the expo.", he says offering his arm which I take ignoring Haruhi's comment.

"Actually Tamaki it's nice to have someone over 3 get excited cause you showed up.", I whisper to him pecking his cheek.

We wander the expo enjoying the different products to check out. Before we know it the rest of Tamaki's friends have vanished.

Hmm I smell a set up.

Tamaki's trying to act subdued but his excitement over everything is getting the better of him. "Tamaki, please ignore Haruhi, and just be yourself, I like you just the way you are.", I say as he looks at me blushing.

Suddenly a man with a stash that looks like one of the twins shoves and ice cream cone at us saying it's on the house which I thank him for with a smile before he vanishes.

"Ooh It's pineapple.", I say smiling happily as Tamaki stands by me. "Here try." I hold it to his lips as he leans in and takes a taste.

I giggle when I see the little bit still stuck to the corner of his mouth.

"What is it?", he says.

"Lean a little closer you got some ice cream on your face.", I say as he leans closer and to his surprise I kiss the little bit off the corner making him and me blush at my boldness.

"Well two can play at that game.", he says as I take a bite from the cone and he kisses me using his tongue to remove the stickiness from around my mouth.

Kai's p.o.v.

Wow that worked good, as me and Hikaru watch Tamaki and Roe share an ice cream and a few kisses.

"I give him a week or less.", I say as I lean on Hikaru as he keeps to arms around me.

Ariel's been programmed by Honey to start accidentally calling Tamaki daddy, turns out when we told her what we wanted to do she wanted Tamaki for a daddy pretty bad. I watch as the pair gets in the elevator alone ready to come up a floor as I use my phone to hack the grid and shut power to the elevator on a timer.

"You know your so cute when your being devious.", he says placing a kiss to my neck behind my hair.

Tamaki's p.o.v.

Suddenly the elevator stops and it's completely dark.

"Tamaki...", Roe says in a small voice and I remember she's claustrophobic.

"It's ok Rose I'm here.", I say finding her in the dark and pulling her close to me as she whimpers. I begin to run my fingers through her hair as I rub circles on her back. I can feel her shaking as I sit us down, while I pull my phone out and call Kyoya, but unfortunately the elevator blocks the signal.

After a half hour the lights finally come back on as Rose is resting against me and the elevator opens again as we get up and I help Rose up as we get out. I lead her to a café where I order each of us a cup of tea so we can calm her nerves as she leans on me when we're seated like she's using my closeness to comfort herself. She's so pale from the time in the elevator that even though it was short must of seamed like forever to her.

"Sorry, I'll calm down, eventually.", she says looking up at me.

"It's no problem, you did nothing wrong. I'm just glad I was able to take care of you.", I say stroking her face.

We spent the rest of the day enjoying the mall before we met up with the group for dinner before returning to the mansion and tucking Ariel in.

"Goodnight baby.", Rose says to the little girl.

"Sweet dreams princess.", I say.

"Goodnight mommy, and daddy.", the little girl says surprising us as she goes to sleep and turning us both red.

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