Second interaction

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The next morning :

At Theerapanyakul mansion. Everyone is having their breakfast at dining table talking and laughing then a bodyguard came "excuse me sir, sorry for distributing you. I came here to inform that Khun Sky is here to meet you ". Pai's face lit up ." Oh then send him inside why do you have to inform us?" Kinn glared at him. " Sorry sir but Khun Sky insisted to wait then P'Big ordered us to inform you ". " Ok now go and send him to us". " Yes sir!". " This is so Sky " Phan said with a sigh everyone smilies. Then Sky arrived

"Good morning everyone" .

"Good morning" everybody says except Pai who is busy looking at Sky.

"Sky when will you stop being formal? Don't forget you are our kid too. No need to inform us before coming you can here whenever you want" kinn said .

" Sorry uncle kinn it's just...."

"It's just because you are Sky no need more explanation" Plerng interrupts sky.

"Ok ok enough, sky come join us have breakfast with us" .

"It's ok uncle Porsche I'm going to office anyway I'll have it there , actually I came here to talk about something ( and to see the man of my dreams) ".

"Sky sit first we can talk while having breakfast ". Porsche orders Sky and sky sits besides Pete opposite to Pai and Payu. And Pete fills sky's plate.

"So, what do you want to talk Sky?"

"It's about Rain uncle Vegas " Phayu stopped eating on hearing Rain's name and all his attention shifted to Sky.

" He's having very bad time missing his parents. You know how much he's attached to them. He's not showing us but he's very sad not being himself. I'm worried about him. I'm going to be busy for next two days I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of him. So I'm here to request you if you can let Rain stay here for few days until I'm free. I think he'll become better here since he was always happy being with you and especially you uncle Peat he loves you so much and I think only you can make him feel better" .

" Ofcourse Sky he can stay here. We'll be more than happy to see our little bun bun all the time".

"Thank you uncle Peat ".

"What about you Sky? You are saying you are going to be busy. Why don't you you also come here with Rain so we can take care of you both ".

" It's ok uncle Porsche I'm fine thank you for asking but I'll manage don't worry ".

" But sky...."

" Porsche don't force him. He's just like his dad stubborn and workaholic . But Sky I'm really proud how you are managing everything in their absence. Keep it up but don't overdo yourself " .

" Yess uncle kinn thank you ".

Everyone continued eating chitchatting while both Prapai and Sky keep glancing at eachother from time to time without knowing eachother. After breakfast Sky left to office letting Pete handle Rain . Everyone discussing buisness while a phone rings.Pai found it at dining table.Phan took phn from Pai as she knows who's phn is that and answered the call . She cut the call and said sky forgot his phn and requested to send it with someone. Pai immediately took the phn from Phan and said he'll go and left from there not even let speak anyone. Everyone was confused except Porsche and Payu.

Pai got ready and was excited to meet Sky. He came from his room and then Pete said to take Payu with him. After meeting Sky they have to go and pickup Rain from his house. Pete already talked to Rain and ordered him to come to mansion. Rain agreed as he couldn't deny his uncle Pete. And then both cousins left to sky's office . Both are excited to meet their boys and were silent all along not wanting to talk they just want to see them as soon as possible .The both cousins know what the other is feeling.

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