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Back inside the treehouse, Meryl, Cheryl, and Whiskers were getting wrapped up in bandages by Brandy. "Wait a minute," Brandy asked. "You're going to have to tell me all of this again." "It's a pretty long story," Cheryl replied. "But Meryl and I were just having conversation when we heard some noises on the other side of the Amazon. So, we flew there to see what was going on. To our surprise, we say, bulldozers, excavators, human workers, and tents."

"So that explains that sign I found in the ocean." Whiskers said as he held it up. "And that also explains why Lola couldn't find you." Brandy said. "She was going to invite both of you to the beach."

"But that's not the worst part," Meryl said. "While we were flying there, we noticed there no one else there except the workers. Most of the other animals were nowhere to be found. It was like the Amazon was now a ghost forest."

"Ghosts!?" Whiskers asked in fear. "GHOSTS! GHOSTS!" He leaped off the bed and dove into his giant chest. The chest shivered as Whiskers whimpered, "Don't let them get me." Brandy just facepalmed herself and walked over the chest, opening it; Whiskers was crumbed up in a ball. 

"How many times do I have to go over figures of speech with you Whiskers?" Brandy asked. "THERE ARE NO SUCH THING AS GHOSTS!" Brandy just signed and looked back at Meryl and Sheryl and asked them to continue. "Anyway," Meryl continued, "We were observing the tree being knocked down when suddenly we heard a loud shot, and something came out of nowhere and hit us; we fell off the tree and onto the ground of the construction area. It was a net; we couldn't free ourselves. Then some workers came up to us. Long story short, they locked us up."

"So how did you two get-?" Brandy asked. "Oh, wait a minute, I already asked that question. Hey Whiskers, how did you find Meryl and Cheryl?"

"I was chasing you down, after you were bit by Lola- until I found-"

"Wait hold on, lemme stop you right there for second boy," Cheryl interrupted. "Bit by Lola? Brandy, Lola bit you? Is that why your arm bandaged up?"

Brandy hesitated and took a look at her arm. She knew what had happened that day and there was no way to hide it. So, she removed the bandages off her arm, revealing the bitemarks. 

"Oh my!" Meryl said in shock. "Brandy, what happened between you and Lola?" 

"It's kind of a long story but things haven't been good," Whiskers replied for Brandy. "But after that Brandy and Lola both felt shamed and ran away. I chased Brandy and Ed chased Lola-,"

Whiskers ceased talked the second mentioned Ed, his other friend. "Ed? OH NO! I forgot about Ed!" Whiskers screamed like a girl. He tried to dash out the door until the toucan sisters grabbed him by the arms, causing Whiskers to slide on the floor while running.



Meryl and Cheryl keep holding onto Whiskers until they noticed that he was running towards the wall, not the door. Sheryl and Meryl smirked at each other. "As you wish." Cheryl said. They both let go of Whisker's arms, sending into the wall, crashing into it. The treehouse shook a bit and ceased. Whisker, feeling dizzy and knocked, stumbled and fell onto the floor, unconscious.

"Yes, that boy definitely has major serious issues," Meryl said. "Anyway, Cheryl and I have to head home. We've had a rough night and we need sleep." Brandy agreed with them and walked them out of the treehouse. "We will figure everything out tomorrow morning." Brandy said. "I'm glad you are all right."

Meryl and Cheryl smiled as they flapped their wings up and down, flying away from the treehouse. Brandy went back inside the treehouse and Whiskers yawned and continued sleeping. 

the next morning, Brandy awoke to find Whiskers filling a backpack with food, water, sticks. "Where are you going, Whiskers?" Brandy asked. "Something terrible happened to Ed," he replied. "I think the construction workers might have gotten him. I have to find him."

"Oh Whiskers, I sure Ed is fine," Brandy replied with her arms crossed. "Though I wish to say the same can't be said for Lola Boa. She and I are no longer friends."

"Actually, I'm glad you brought that up." Whiskers responded as he zipped up his backpack. "That was not smart on how you handled yourself yesterday."

"Excuse me, Whiskers? Lola just won't let go of all the stupid things I did in the past!

"I ain't gonna say she helped the situation. But if you had just controlled your temper and let Lola speak, she wouldn't have had to defend herself in the first place. You ever think about that, Brandy?" 

"Either way Whiskers if you want to go out and save them, that's your business. As for me, it's time for me time." Brandy plopped down in front of her mirror and pulled out her nail polish. Whiskers just stood there giving Brandy an awkward look. 

"I feel that look on me Whiskers," Brandy said as she painted her left nails. "You're trying to guilt-trip me into coming with you on your so-called quest, which will actually be a wild goose chase. It's not happening."

Whiskers eyes immediately began to water. He did not want to go alone, he nearly got himself kidnapped by the construction workers, rescuing Meryl and Cheryl. He really needed help and couldn't do it alone. Whiskers continued to show puppy eyes to Brandy. She tried as hard as she could to ignore it, but Whiskers still wouldn't leave. 

Finally, Brandy just dropped her nail polish stuff in frustration. "OKAY, ALL RIGHT!"  She shouted as she stood up. "Let's go find Ed and Lola." 

"YAY!" Whiskers said.

"But remember. I'm not doing it for you or Lola, I'm doing for Ed."

"Ah, you do care Brandy!" Whiskers replied, giving her a big hug round her legs.

"Let's go." 

So, Brandy begrudgingly filled her backpack and exited the treehouse with Whiskers to go on their little adventure to find Ed and Lola. 

Brandy and Mr. Whiskers: Battle for the Amazon!Where stories live. Discover now