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Harry's POV.

A gentle touch on my shoulder causes me to turn, and I find myself facing a pair of hazel eyes. "Hey, man!" I exclaim, unable to contain my grin.

Zayn takes a seat next to me and asks, "When did you come back?" I shrug, replying, "Just about two days ago."

"How have you been?"

"Just taking a break, thought I'd come back. I've missed this place," I respond.

"After a week of our marriage, you left, Harry. And now, six years later, you didn't even think a call would be important?" His words carry a hint of sadness.

I chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, you know how it is. The job offer in North Carolina was too good to pass up, and time just slipped away from me. But enough about that. How about you? Tell me about yourself!"

Zayn shrugs, a faint smile playing on his lips. Of course, you're smiling, Zayn. Who wouldn't smile? You're with her, and she brings happiness.

"It's been tough taking care of two kids, but Mallory is an incredible mother. She has a natural talent for handling them. As for me, well, I'm good with the kids, but it's not something I see myself doing long-term. Motherhood just comes naturally to her. Mallory knows exactly what she's doing." I bite my cheek and take a sip of my coffee, contemplating his words.

"Two kids, huh?" I raise an eyebrow, and Zayn blushes with pride.

It's strange how after eight years together, his love for her still resembles the infatuated teenage Zayn. Two years of dating, six years of marriage, yet the smile that spreads across his face when he talks about her remains the same.

"What are their names?" I inquire, referring to his children. "Twins. Daughter's name is Bridget, and son is Griffin."

"Twins!?" My jaw drops, "And girl and boy!?" I fell my heart rejoicing for him.

"Cute names," I remark. Zayn beams with pride, his smile widening. "Griffin was my choice, and Bridget was Mallory's."

He speaks as though he has a perfect life— a beautiful wife, two children —everything appears to be flawless in his world.

"So how long will you be here?" I take another sip of my coffee before answering, "At least two weeks."

"Where are you staying?"

"At a hotel."

"You could stay at our guest house, Harry!" He offers with a beam of joy. I shake my head trying to reject with levity, "Its actually n..." My mind momentarily stumbles as I search for appropriate words.

"I'm not taking no as answer! It's just my guest house, Harry. You could even pay rent if that'll make you comfortable." Zayn insists playfully, chuckling.

I press my lips together, contemplating. It's not a good idea to be around your best friend; the one you betrayed by getting involved with his girlfriend.

"The kids would be thrilled to meet you, Harry," Zayn persists, trying to persuade me.

I take another sip of coffee, letting me have time to answer. "Alright, I'll stay." I agree, smiling, "Where's the guest house?"

His answer makes me regret my agreement. "Behind our house."

I clear my throat. I do not want to place myself in a situation where I might cross paths with Mallory again.

"Like, technically, I'll be your neighbour?" He shrugs, grinning.

I give a tight smile, swallowing the lump of my throat, I search in my head for excuses to get away from what I just agreed to.

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