two-time galaxy savers

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"How do we kill a celestial?" Drax asks.

"There's a center to him. His brain, his soul, whatever it is...some sort of protective shell." Quill says climbing the ladder to the upper part of the ship.

"It's in the caverns below the surface." Mantis informs them.

Quill reaches the piloting controls. "Yondu?!" He looks at him surprised to be there. As they try taking off, the thrusters go out and Ego tightens his hold on them.

"Guess I should be glad I was a skinny kid. Otherwise, you'd have delivered me to this maniac!" Peter says while fixing the electrical wires.

"You still reckon that's the reason I kept you around, you idiot!" Yondu looks at Quill.

"That's what you told me, you old doofus!"

"Once I figured out what happened to them other kids, I wasn't just gonna hand you over."

"You said you were gonna eat me!"

"That was being funny!" Yondu says and Jo starts laughing.

"Not to me!" Peter yells.

"You people have issues." Rocket tells them from below, tapping on the weapons system.

"Well of course I have issues, that's my freaking father!" Quill points to the man floating in front of them, currently recreating his own flesh and bones. Peter gets the thrusters back online and they take off. But instead of flying up, they go down. Making everyone in the back hold onto whatever they can, trying not to fall.

"We should be going up!" Yondu yells at Quill.

"We can't!" He responds. "Ego wants to eradicate the universe as we know it. We have to kill him! Rocket!" Quill signals.

"Got it!" Rocket turns on the ships lasers to cut through the surface of Ego's planet, getting to the core.

"So we're saving the galaxy again?" Rocket asks.

"I guess" Quill says.

"Awesome!" Rocket controls the lasers to blast anything in their way that might stop them reaching Ego's core. "We're really gonna be able to jack up our prices if we're two-time galaxy savers." He smiles.

"I seriously can't believe that's where your mind goes," Peter rolls his eyes.

"It was just a random thought man. I thought we were friends. Of course I care about the planets and the buildings, and the all the animals on the planets."

"And the people."


"Rocket!" Jo looks at him.

"Ugh fine, but only you guys."

"The crabby puppy is so cute, he makes me wanna die!" Mantis says with a wide smile.

"Ok but maybe not her..." Rocket says.

"Tell me why Ego wants you here" Yondu looks over at Peter.

"He needs my genetic connection to the light to help destroy the universe. He tried to teach me how to control the power."

"So could you?"

"A little...I made a ball."

"A ball?" Yondu laughs.

"I thought as hard as I could. It was all I could come up with." Quill defends himself.

"You thought? You think when I make this arrow fly, I use my head?" Yondu asks him as they break through the final layer of the planet, reaching the core.

Nyctophilia // Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now