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It was dark now, and everyone was sitting around the fire. Listening to the strange man who claimed to be Peter's dad.

"I hired Yondu to pick you up when your mother passed away, but instead of returning you... Yondu kept you. I have no clue as to why." Ego said, before shoving a spoonful of soup into his mouth.

"Well, I'll tell you why...because i was a skinny little kid who could squeeze into places adults couldn't. It made it easier for thievin." Quill explains.

"Well I've been trying to track you down ever since." Ego claims.

"I thought Yondu was your father." Drax looks at Quill confused.

"What? We've been together this whole time and you thought Yondu was my actual blood relative?" Quill looks at him ridiculously.

"You look exactly alike." Drax says between his chewing.

"One's blue!" Rocket tells him.

Drax still doesn't understand.

"No, he's not my father! Yondu was the guy who abducted me, kicked the crap out of me so I could learn to fight...and kept me in terror by threatening to eat me."

"Eat you?!" Peter's dad looks at him.


"Oh, that son of a bitch!"

"How'd you locate us now?" Gamora asks Ego.

"Well, even where I reside, out past the edge of what's known we've heard tell about the man they call Star-Lord." He continues, standing up. "What's say we head out there right now? Your associates are welcome. Even that triangle-faced monkey there...and the kid with a staring problem..." Ego points to Rocket and Josephine.

Rocket starts feeling his face trying to see if it's actually triangle shaped. And Joey continues glaring at him.

"I promise's unlike any other place you've ever seen. And there...I can explain your very special heritage. Finally get to be the father I've always wanted to be. Excuse me, I gotta take a whiz." Ego says making his way towards the forest.

"I don't like him." Jo says as he leaves.

"Yeah, I'm not buying it." Quill looks at Gamora.

"Let's go take a walk," she tells Quill. "And you, stop with the heavy glares." She scolds Jo.

Gamora and Quill walk away from everyone to have a private conversation. Meanwhile, Joey stays back with Rocket, Groot, Drax and the lady with antennas.

"I am Mantis." The lady with antennas smiles at Drax.

"What are you doing?" Drax looks at her freaked out.

"Smiling. I hear it is the thing to do to make people like you." She says innocently.

"Not if you do it like that."

"Oh...I was raised alone on Ego's planet. I do not understand the intricacies of social interaction."

Jo was keeping to herself, just thinking. Not really into the conversation Mantis and Drax were having until she asked a question...

Nyctophilia // Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now