right where you left me

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Joey finally makes her way back to the quarters, she and her friends will be staying in. Now she needs to figure out which room is Quill's. Great.


There, on the balcony, Peter slow dances with Gamora.

"Drax thinks you're not a dancer," Peter smirks.

"If you ever tell anyone about this, I will kill you." Gamora tells him.

"When are we gonna do something about this unspoken thing between us?"

"What unspoken thing?"

"This...Cheers, Sam and Diane. A guy and a girl on a tv show who dig each other, but never say it because if they do, the ratings would go down...sort of thing."

"There's no unspoken thing."

"Well it's a catch-22, because if you said it, then it would be spoken and you would be a liar. So, by not saying it you are telling the truth and admitting that there is." Peter smiles.

"No, that's not what I.." Gamora sighs, letting go of her dance partner. "What we should be discussing right now is something about this place. It doesn't feel right, maybe we should've listened to Jo." She heads back inside Peter's room.

"What are you talking about?" Peter starts following her inside. "You're the one who wanted me to come here!" He gets angry.

"That girl, Mantis, she's afraid of something." Gamora says trying to figure it out.

"Why are you trying to take this away from me?"

"I'm not tryin-"

"He's my father. He's blood."

"You have blood on Earth and you never wanted to return there." She points out.

"Again, you made me come here! And Earth is the place where my mother died in front of me." Quill raises his voice.

"No, it's because that place is real, and this is a fantasy!"

"This is real! I'm only half human remember!"

"That's the half I'm worried about."

"Oh...I get it, you're jealous because I'm part god and you like when I'm the weak one."

"Gods are overrated douchebags, Quill!"

"What, are you seriously quoting Jo right now?!"

"Well she was right!" She says grabbing a transmitter. "I haven't been able to reach Rocket. I'm gonna go outside, and I'm gonna try and get a signal."

"You know what? This is not Cheers after all! This is whatever the show is where one person is willing to open themselves up to new possibility, and the other person is a jerk who doesn't trust anybody! It's a show that doesn't exist, that's why it would get zero ratings!" He screams.

"I don't know what Cheers is!"

"I finally found my family! Don't you understand that?"

"I thought you already had." Gamora says sadly before turning around to leave.

Josephine's pov

After entering about 20 empty rooms, I'm ready to give up. I am not built to walk this much.

There's still one last room on this floor, down a long hallway. God, why is it so far?

As I get near the room, I hear arguing. It sounds like Gamora... and Quill. That must be his room.

Nyctophilia // Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now